Assign Coordinate System Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to assign northing-easting and elevation coordinate systems for your drawing.

You can assign and save both northing-easting and elevation/vertical coordinate systems to your drawing.


Displays the code and description of the currently assigned north-easting coordinate system. When selected, the North-Easting Coordinate Systems Available tree displays below.


Displays the code and description of the currently assigned elevation coordinate system. When selected, the Elevation Coordinate Systems Available tree displays below.

Select a Coordinate System

This section of tools helps refine the listing of coordinate systems to select from in North-Easting or Elevation Coordinate Systems Available tree.


Reduces the coordinate systems in the tree below based on an entered text string. For example, entering California will only show coordinate systems containing California information.


Specifies the coordinate system status. Either Up to Date, Out of Date, or User Defined. The available coordinate systems in the tree below will change based on this selection.

Code Type

Specifies the coordinate system code type. Either Up to Autodesk or EPSG. The available coordinate systems in the tree below will change based on this selection.


Specifies the unit of measurement in a coordinate system. The available coordinate systems in the tree below will change based on this selection.

North-Easting Coordinate Systems Available

This tree listing of available north-easting coordination systems is organized by type and category. The definition types available include Customized, Arbitrary, Geographic, and Projected. Each type has specific categorical collections of coordinate systems.

Selecting a coordinate system displays its details in the panel to the right.

Select None and click Assign to clear the currently assigned coordinate system.

Elevation Coordinate Systems Available

This tree listing of available elevation coordination systems is organized by type and category. The definition types available include Customized, Ellipsoidal Vertical, and Gravity Related Vertical. Each type has specific categorical collections of coordinate systems.

Selecting a coordinate system displays its details in the panel to the right.

Select None and click Assign to clear the currently assigned coordinate system.


This panel displays information for the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate Systems Available tree to the left.


Displays the coordinate system code name.


Displays the datum specific definition of the coordinate system.

Definition type

Displays the coordinate system type. These are the larger organizational nodes in the Coordinate Systems Available tree to the left.

Referenced to

Displays the datum transformation standard to which the coordinate system is referenced.


Displays the coordinate system category. These are the organizational nodes under the broader types in the Coordinate Systems Available tree to the left.


Displays the numerical ESPG code of the coordinate system.


Displays the unit of measurement used by the coordinate system.


Displays the representative area of the coordinate system on a map.