
In the first tutorial, a finite element model of a composite plate was created in ANSYS and analyzed using Helius PFA to predict the progressive failure response of the plate. This tutorial provides instructions for modifying an existing ANSYS input file to achieve compatibility with the software. The ANSYS input file is based on the problem from Tutorial 1, except that all Helius PFA-specific modifications have been left out. Therefore, the mesh, layup, dimensions, etc. for this model are the same as the mesh, layup, dimensions, etc. for the model from Tutorial 1.

The following sections of the ANSYS input file will be modified in this tutorial to accommodate Helius PFA:

  1. Material definition
  2. Solution controls
  3. Output definition

The model is based on coupon level test results from the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR). Specifically, it is based on an open-hole tension (OHT) plate made from T700/2510 that is compared to the experimental results determined by NIAR. The plate layup is [45/0/-45/90]3S and the plate dimensions are given below.

plate dimensions

The unmodified ANSYS input file (Tutorial_2_ANSYS.ans) is available for download here.