Specify Results Output for Post-Processing

Request output of the vertical displacement and the cycles to failure.

For fatigue analyses it is often useful to create a plot of the model displacement as a function of the number of cycles to failure. For fatigue analyses with Helius PFA, the number of cycles to failure is represented by SVAR2.

When the text below is added to the end of the input file, ANSYS will create a text file containing the requested outputs upon completion of the analysis.

*CFOPEN, Tutorial_4, txt
*VWRITE, 'Time', 'SDV2', 'U2'
(A4, 5X, 6(A10,7X))

ESOL, 2, 298, 7792, SVAR, 2,
NSOL, 3, 7678, U, Y, U2

*DIM, STS, ARRAY, 120, 10
VGET, STS(1,1), 1
VGET, STS(1,2), 2
VGET, STS(1,3), 3
*VWRITE, STS(1,1), STS(1,2), STS(1,3)
(F4.2, 10(',',3X, E12.6))


The *CFOPEN command tells ANSYS where to write the results. The ESOL command specifies that SVAR2 is to be output for element 298, node 7792 which is an undamaged element near the notch edge. The NSOL command specifies that U2 is to be output for node 7678 which is on the top of the plate. The input file can now be saved.

Refer to the ANSYS Mechanical APDL Commands Reference for more detail on the post-processing commands.