To Add Material from a Library to a Document

Add library materials to the document using the Material browser.

Use one of the following methods:

Drag and Drop

  1. In the Material Browser, select the library where the material is located.
  2. In the material list, select the material to add to the document.
  3. Drag and drop the material into the Document Materials section of the Material Browser.

Double-click to Add and Edit

  1. In the Material Browser, select the library where the material is located.
  2. Double-click the material. The material is added to the document, and opens in the Material Editor.

Add Material

  1. In the Material Browser, select the library where the material is located.
  2. In the material list, pause the cursor over the material to add to the document, and on the right, click . The material is added to the document.

Add Material and Edit

  1. In the Material Browser, select the library where the material is located.
  2. In the material list, pause the cursor over the material to add to the document, and on the right, click . The material is added to the document.