Errors can occur when inserting, changing, or updating frame members. Problems can also occur while you use commands such as Miter or Lengthen/Shorten Frame Member. While most errors produce a logical error message, an uncommon and unknown error can result in a message stating the error is unknown.
Error messages are shown in different ways:
- If problems occur, Autodesk Inventor displays a message dialog box. The dialog box explains where the error originated and why the error occurred.
An icon is displayed next to a node in the browser indicating that the element is sick. When you pass the cursor over the node for the sick element, a tooltip explains the reason for the sickness.
You can fix errors when they occur in various operations:
Insert frame member
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Insertion of frame members failed.
- A frame member could not be created on the selected geometry. Insert frame members only on edges or points of solids, sketches, or points in the context of an assembly or from a skeletal model.
A frame member could not be created. The template file for {STANDARD} {TYPE} could not be located in the Frame Generator library.
- An error occurred while attempting to create geometry in the Frame Reference Model.
- Make sure that permissions to the Frame reference Model allow read/write access.
- Could not add sweep feature.
- Sweep resulted in self intersecting geometry
Tooltips for Sick Elements and cause of sickness:
- The sweep/extruded feature is sick and needs repairing.
- Could not build sweep feature because orientation causes self-intersection.
- Frame reference model could not be located.
- The frame reference model was replaced.
- The sweep/extruded feature is missing.
- Delete and insert the frame member again.
The feature was removed from the frame member.
- Failed to update.
- The feature was removed from the frame member.
- The sweep/extruded feature is sick and needs repairing.
- The arc causes a self-intersection.
- The Frame Member contains a reference to non-existing geometry.
- The skeleton part has been removed from the top assembly.
- The cutting face/plane is missing. It is possible it was deleted.
- The skeleton part has been removed from the top assembly.
- Failed to update.
- Two sketch lines in the skeleton part are collinear.
- Some frame members are missing. It is possible it was deleted.
- The Reconstruct dialog box was displayed during an edit of the frame assembly, and the Ignore All option was selected.
Change frame member
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Frame Generator: Errors occurred while attempting to change frame members.
- Problems occurred when changing Frame Members. A change could not be completed. The reason for the failure is unknown. Please retry.
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Miter: Problems encountered while executing Miter end treatment.
- Could not produce a miter cut. Frame members appear to be parallel or collinear.
Failed to create a miter end treatment due to selected geometry orientations.
Tooltips for sick elements and cause of sickness:
- Miter could not be updated.
- Review prior end treatments and cut treatments to identify conflicts.
Trim to Frame
Error Messages and cause of failure:
- Could not produce end treatments: Frame members appear to be parallel or collinear.
- Failed to create trimmed end treatments due to selected geometry orientations.
Tooltips for sick elements and cause of sickness:
- Failed to update.
- Could not find face to cut frame members while updating because two sketch lines are collinear.
- Trim-Frame could not be updated.
- Review prior end treatments and cut treatments to identify conflicts.
Trim to Face
Error Messages and cause of failure:
- Could not produce an end treatment: The trim face (plane) appears to be parallel to frame member.
- Failed to create an end treatment due to selected geometry orientations.
Tooltips for sick elements and cause of sickness:
- Failed to update.
- Could not update because trim face is parallel to frame member.
Error Messages and cause of failure:
- A cyclic dependency occurred: ANSI....
- Failed to create a notch cut treatment. Please review prior end treatments and cut treatments and suppress/unsuppress to identify conflicts.
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Could not extend or shorten. Pre-existing end treatments must be suppressed or removed to continue.
- Failed to lengthen-shorten frame member end. Please review prior end treatments and cut treatments, and suppress/unsuppress to identify conflicts.
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Promote Frame Generator Components: Problems encountered while executing this command.
- Failed to promote the Frame members. The reason for the failure is unknown. Please retry.
- Promote Frame Generator Components: Problems encountered while executing this command.
- Failed to promote components.
Failed to promote/demote Frame members. One of the frame members failed. Please select individual members and promote/demote until problem member is located. Interrogate problem frame member to determine issues.
- Demote Frame Generator Components Promote: Problems encountered while executing this command.
- Failed to create new assembly components.
The directory does not allow read/write access, or there is a naming conflict.
Position update sick
Error messages and cause of failure:
- Frame Reference Model could not be located:
- It is possible the Frame Reference Model is replaced by another component.
- ANSI 1_4...;
- The Frame Member contains a reference to non-existing geometry.
- ANSI 3_2....
- The Frame Member contains a reference to non-existing geometry.
- Feature could not be built.
- The sweep/extruded feature in .... is sick and needs repairing.
End Treatment update sick
Error messages and cause of failure:
- End Treatment: 1 could not be updated.
- Errors occurred during updates of end treatments.
- Some frame members are missing. It is possible it was deleted.
- To resolve the frame design, the missing members can be reconstructed, removed, or ignored. Ignoring the members can force related cut treatments to become unassociated. Would you like to continue?
- Command Name:
- Problems encountered while executing this command.