To make a deployment shortcut accessible to clients in multiple domains

A client within the same domain that can access the server can also access the admin images using the shortcut icon. A client in a different domain cannot access the server. The use of the shortcut icon by a client in a different domain "Domain2" fails because the location path in the .lnk points to a location within the server Domain1. In order to make it accessible to the clients in Domain2, where Domain2 is any domain other than Domain1, remove the original deployment location and use a relative path to allow deployment image location change.

  1. Create a deployment image called, for example MyDeployConfig.

  2. After the Admin image creation process is completed, browse to \\ServerLocation\Shared Folder\ MyDeployConfig

  3. Copy the entire deployment image folder MyDeployConfig to the new location such as a different server or a USB drive .

    In the next step you modify the location Target and Start paths in the INK file to correspond to the new location.

  4. Right click MyDeployConfig.INK in the new location and select Properties.

  5. Modify the Target and Start paths to correspond to the new location as follows:

    New server domain


    \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us


    \\New_Server_Location\New_Shared_Folder\**MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I \\New_Server_Location\\New_Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us

    USB or DVD drive – Where E:\ represents the letter drive:


    \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us


    E:\MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I E:\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us
Note: The above workflow may fail when attempting to use a relative path in a shortcut (INK file) as Microsoft Windows operating systems’ do not fully support relative paths.

An alternative workflow for using relative paths in an INK file is to create a .BAT file from the Target line deployment shortcut and then make the path in the .BAT file relative:

  1. Copy the original Target line:

    \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I \\Server_Location\Shared_Folder\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us
  2. Paste this into a text file and rename it so the extension is .BAT. Save this file in the SAME directory as the original shortcut.

  3. Modify the pasted Target line to be relative as:

    .\MyDeployConfig\Img\Setup.exe /qb /I .\MyDeployConfig\Img\MyDeployConfig.ini /language en-us
  4. Save the .BAT file.

  5. Double click this file to install to clients from the deployment in the same way you do with the original shortcut.