Configure a Shared Environment without Vault

Content Center Libraries can also be used from a network share location without using Vault and Vault Manager to manage security. To achieve this configuration, use tools within Autodesk Inventor after installing Autodesk Inventor.

  1. During installation, select Content Center Libraries for Desktop Content so that the libraries are installed on your local drive.
  2. After installation is complete, copy the files (*.idcl) in the Libraries folder from your local drive to a shared network location.
  3. In the Application Options dialog box, Files tab, change the location of the libraries to the network location you copied the libraries to. For example, enter \\servername\sharename\Inventor\Libraries\
  4. Update the Application Options - Files tab with this location on all workstations that will need access to the shared libraries. You can use the Import/Export Settings in the Application Options dialog box to deploy to other workstations.
Note: Since Vault and Vault Manager are not managing security, the write permissions must be managed at the network share permission level.

If you have custom content libraries stored in the Vault, you can migrate these to the new network location using the Library Transfer Guide, accessible from the Edit Content Center Configuration button on the Manage Projects dialog box.