The drawing layers in your DWG file become the feature classes in the new schema. The object data properties in the drawing determine the properties for each feature class. Use the Properties palette to see the object data.
This exercise uses the DWGMap.dwg map file you opened in Exercise 1: Examine the original drawing layers.
To view the object data fields
Use the zoom commands on the View tab.
The pink polylines represent parcels and have object data related to address, area, value, and so on.
You might see different information, depending on which polyline you selected.
The red line represents a waterline. Notice that the color for this line is not ByLayer. Within the layer, color has been used to indicate a particular type of waterline. In this case it indicates size. Red waterlines have a diameter from 26 through 48 inches.
The green line is also a waterline, but it is a different size. Green waterlines are from 13 through 24 inches in diameter. Blue waterlines are from 1 through 12 inches in diameter.
The Properties palette displays “No selection” in the top field when you deselect all objects.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Export the drawing layers to SDF - Select the layers