3ds Max C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MAXClass, including all inherited members.
_get_property(Value *prop) | Value | |
_get_property(Value *prop, Value *prop_name_as_parsed) | Value | |
_is_charstream() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_collection() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_function() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_indirect_thunk() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_rolloutcontrol() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_rolloutthunk() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_selection() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_is_thunk() | Value | inlinevirtual |
_set_property(Value *prop, Value *val) | Value | virtual |
_set_property(Value *prop, Value *val, Value *prop_name_as_parsed) | Value | |
apply(Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr) override | MAXClass | virtual |
apply_keyword_parms(ReferenceTarget *ref, Value **key_arg_list, int count) | MAXClass | |
apply_no_alloc_frame(Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr) | Value | virtual |
build_parm_descs(ReferenceTarget *ref) | MAXClass | |
Category() | MAXClass | |
category | MAXClass | |
cd | MAXClass | |
cd2 | MAXClass | |
class_id | MAXClass | |
class_table_dirty | MAXClass | static |
classes | MAXClass | static |
classOf_vf(Value **arg_list, int count) override | MAXClass | |
clearSelection_vf(Value **arglist, int arg_count) | Value | inlinevirtual |
close_down() | Collectable | static |
coalesce_free_list() | Collectable | static |
collect() override | MAXClass | virtual |
Collectable() | Collectable | |
collectable_list | Collectable | static |
comparable(Value *arg) | Value | inlinevirtual |
complete_init() | MAXClass | |
deep_copy(HashTable *remapper) | Value | virtual |
def_generic(get_props, "getPropNames") | MAXClass | |
def_generic(create_instance, "createInstance") | MAXClass | |
def_generic(show_interfaces, "showInterfaces") | MAXClass | |
def_generic(get_interfaces, "getInterfaces") | MAXClass | |
def_generic(get_interface, "getInterface") | MAXClass | |
def_prop_getter(classID) | MAXClass | |
def_prop_getter(superclassID) | MAXClass | |
def_property(category) | MAXClass | |
def_property(creatable) | MAXClass | |
delete_vf(Value **arglist, int arg_count) | Value | inlinevirtual |
derives_from_Animatable() | Collectable | |
derives_from_MAXWrapper() | Collectable | inlinevirtual |
drop_MAX_refs() | Value | inlinevirtual |
drop_maxwrapper_refs() | Collectable | static |
eval() | Value | inlinevirtual |
eval_no_wrapper() | Value | inlinevirtual |
export_to_scripter() override | MAXClass | virtual |
find_first(BOOL(*test_fn)(INode *node, int level, const void *arg), const void *test_arg) | Value | inlinevirtual |
flags | Collectable | |
flags2 | Collectable | |
flags3 | Collectable | |
for_all_values(void(*map_fn)(Value *val), ValueMapper *mapper=nullptr, ValueMetaClass *c=nullptr) | Collectable | static |
free_classes() | MAXClass | static |
free_list | Collectable | static |
fullCollectNextHoldFlush | Collectable | static |
gc() | Collectable | static |
gc_light | Collectable | static |
gc_trace() override | MAXClass | virtual |
get_case_sensitive_property(Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name) | Value | virtual |
get_container_property(Value *prop, Value *cur_prop) | Value | inlinevirtual |
get_heap_ptr() | Value | inline |
get_live_ptr() | Value | inline |
get_max_class_id() override | MAXClass | inlinevirtual |
get_max_property(ReferenceTarget *ref, parm_desc *pd, TimeValue t, Interval &valid) | MAXClass | |
get_max_property(ReferenceTarget *ref, ParamDef *pd, int tabIndex, ParamBlockDesc2 *pbd, TimeValue t, Interval &valid) | MAXClass | |
get_num_values_created() | Collectable | static |
get_parm_def(Value *prop, ParamBlockDesc2 *&pbd, int &tabIndex, ReferenceTarget *ref=nullptr) | MAXClass | |
get_parm_def(ClassDesc2 *cd2, Value *prop, ParamBlockDesc2 *&pbd, int &tabIndex, ReferenceTarget *ref=nullptr) | MAXClass | static |
get_parm_desc(ReferenceTarget *ref, Value *key) | MAXClass | |
get_path(PathName *path) | Value | inlinevirtual |
get_pb2_property(IParamBlock2 *pb, ParamDef *pd, int tabIndex, TimeValue t, Interval &valid) | MAXClass | static |
get_property(Value **arg_list, int count) override | MAXClass | virtual |
get_stack_heap_ptr() | Value | inline |
GetInterface(Interface_ID id) | Value | inlinevirtual |
has_heap_copy() | Collectable | inline |
heap_allocated | Collectable | static |
heap_size | Collectable | static |
heap_update | Collectable | static |
hGCCompletedEvent | Collectable | static |
in_gc | Collectable | static |
initialize_object(ReferenceTarget *ref) | MAXClass | |
interfaces | MAXClass | |
invoke_getter_case_sensitive_property(Value *target, getter_vf getter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name) | Value | |
invoke_setter_case_sensitive_property(Value *target, setter_vf setter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name) | Value | |
is_const() | Value | inlinevirtual |
is_garbage() | Collectable | inline |
is_in_heap() | Collectable | inline |
is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass *c) override | MAXClass | inlinevirtual |
is_marked() | Collectable | inline |
is_not_marked() | Collectable | inline |
is_on_stack() | Collectable | inline |
is_permanent() | Collectable | inline |
isKindOf_vf(Value **arg_list, int count) override | MAXClass | |
keyarg_marker_value | Value | protectedstatic |
Load(ILoad *iload, USHORT chunkID, ValueLoader *vload) | MAXClass | static |
local_base_class() | Value | virtual |
lookup_class(const Class_ID *cid, SClass_ID scid, bool make_new_if_missing=true) | MAXClass | static |
lookup_class(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID scid, bool make_new_if_missing=true) | MAXClass | inlinestatic |
make_collectable() | Collectable | |
make_heap_permanent() | Value | |
make_heap_static() | Value | inline |
make_node_for(ReferenceTarget *ref) | MAXClass | static |
make_permanent() | Collectable | |
make_static() | Collectable | |
make_wrapper_for(ReferenceTarget *ref) | MAXClass | static |
map(node_map &m) | Value | inlinevirtual |
map_path(PathName *path, node_map &m) | Value | inlinevirtual |
mark() | Collectable | static |
mark_in_use() | Collectable | inline |
MAXClass() | MAXClass | inline |
MAXClass(const MCHAR *cname, Class_ID cid, SClass_ID sid, MAXSuperClass *sclass, short cflags,...) | MAXClass | |
md_flags | MAXClass | |
migrate_to_heap() | Value | |
n_classes | MAXClass | static |
n_parms | MAXClass | |
name | MAXClass | |
next | Collectable | |
object_supports_case_sensitive_names() | Value | inlinevirtual |
operator delete(void *val) | Collectable | |
operator delete(void *val, char flag) | Collectable | |
operator new(size_t sz, char flag) | Collectable | |
operator new(size_t sz) | Collectable | |
paramblock_ref_no | MAXClass | |
parms | MAXClass | |
permanent_list | Collectable | static |
pop_alloc_stack_frame() | Collectable | static |
prev | Collectable | |
prin1() | Value | inlinevirtual |
print() | Value | inlinevirtual |
push_alloc_stack_frame() | Collectable | static |
Save(ISave *isave) override | MAXClass | virtual |
sclass_id | MAXClass | |
selection_iterator() | Value | inlinevirtual |
set_case_sensitive_property(Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name) | Value | virtual |
set_container_property(Value *prop, Value *val, Value *cur_prop) | Value | inlinevirtual |
set_max_property(ReferenceTarget *ref, parm_desc *pd, TimeValue t, Value *val) | MAXClass | |
set_max_property(ReferenceTarget *ref, ParamDef *pd, int tabIndex, ParamBlockDesc2 *pbd, TimeValue t, Value *val) | MAXClass | |
set_pb2_property(IParamBlock2 *pb, ParamDef *pd, int tabIndex, TimeValue t, Value *val) | MAXClass | static |
set_property(Value **arg_list, int count) override | MAXClass | virtual |
setup() | MAXClass | static |
Value::setup(size_t) | Collectable | static |
special_case_compare(Value *arg, bool &specialCaseCompareResult) | Value | inlinevirtual |
sprin1(CharStream *s) override | MAXClass | virtual |
sprint(CharStream *stream) | Value | virtual |
state | Collectable | static |
superclass | MAXClass | |
superClassOf_vf(Value **arg_list, int count) override | MAXClass | |
sweep() | Collectable | static |
tag | Value | |
to_acolor() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_angaxis() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_atmospheric() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_beziershape() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_bitarray() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_bool() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_box2() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_box3() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_colorref() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_controller() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_double() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_effect() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_eulerangles() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_filename() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_filter() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_float() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_fpvalue(FPValue &v) override | MAXClass | virtual |
to_int() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_int64() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_interval() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_intptr() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_matrix3() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_mesh() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_modifier() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_mpassCamEffect() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_mstr() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_mtl() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_mtlbase() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_node() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbscontrolvertex() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbscurve() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbscvcurve() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbsdisplay() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbsindependentpoint() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbsobject() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbspoint() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbsset() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbssurface() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbstexturepoint() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_nurbstexturesurface() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_point2() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_point3() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_point4() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_quat() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_ray() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_reftarg() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_renderer() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_rootnode() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_shadowtype() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_string() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_tessapprox() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_texmap() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_thunk() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_timevalue() | Value | inlinevirtual |
to_trackviewnode() | Value | inlinevirtual |
unmark_in_use() | Collectable | inline |
validate_value_linkages() | Collectable | static |
ValuesEqual(Value *other, bool strictCompare) | Value | virtual |
widen_to(Value *arg, Value **arg_list) | Value | inlinevirtual |
~Collectable() | Collectable | virtual |
~MAXClass() | MAXClass |