3ds Max C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MNMesh, including all inherited members.
AcquireChannelLocks(ChannelMask channels) const | MNMesh | inline |
AddTri(const Mesh &from) | MNMesh | |
aligned_free(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
aligned_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
allocRVerts() | MNMesh | |
AndersonDo(float interp, int iSelLevel, MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL, DWORD subdivFlags=0) | MNMesh | |
AndFlags(const MNMesh &mesh) | MNMesh | |
AndFlags(const FlagUser &fu) | MNMesh | |
AndFlags(const MNMesh *mesh) | MNMesh | |
AndFlags(const FlagUser *fu) | MNMesh | |
AppendNewEdges(int nenum) | MNMesh | |
AppendNewFaces(int nfnum) | MNMesh | |
AppendNewVerts(int nvnum) | MNMesh | |
ApplyMapper(UVWMapper &mapChannel, int channel=0, BOOL useSel=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
AutoSmooth(float angle, BOOL useSel, BOOL preventIndirectSmoothing) | MNMesh | |
BBox(Box3 &bbox, bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
BestConvexDiagonals(int ff, int *diag=NULL) const | MNMesh | |
BestConvexDiagonals(int deg, int *vv, int *diag) const | MNMesh | |
BooleanCut(MNMesh &m2, int cutType, int fstart=0, MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL) | MNMesh | |
BorderFromEdge(int ee, BitArray &eset) | MNMesh | |
BuildGWCache(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, int numMat, BOOL threaded) | MNMesh | |
buildNormals() | MNMesh | |
buildRenderNormals() | MNMesh | |
ChamferEdges(DWORD flag=MN_SEL, MNChamferData *mcd=NULL) | MNMesh | |
ChamferVertices(DWORD flag=MN_SEL, MNChamferData *mcd=NULL) | MNMesh | |
CheckAllData() | MNMesh | |
checkFaceBackFacing(int face_i, Mesh_SelParams ¶ms) | MNMesh | |
checkFaceDiagonalSel(int face_i, Mesh_SelParams ¶ms) | MNMesh | |
checkFaceEdgesSel(int face_i, Mesh_SelParams ¶ms) | MNMesh | |
checkFaceSel(int face_i, Mesh_SelParams ¶ms) | MNMesh | |
CheckForDoubledMappingVerts() | MNMesh | |
checkNormals(BOOL illum) | MNMesh | |
checkVertSel(int vert_i, Mesh_SelParams ¶ms) | MNMesh | |
Clear() | MNMesh | |
ClearAllFlags() | MNMesh | |
ClearAndFree() | MNMesh | |
ClearDispFlag(DWORD vflags) | MNMesh | inline |
ClearEFlags(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | inline |
ClearFFlags(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | inline |
ClearFlag(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | |
ClearMap(int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
ClearSpecifiedNormals() | MNMesh | |
ClearVFlags(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | inline |
CloneFaces(DWORD cloneFlag=MN_SEL, bool clear_orig=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
CloneVerts(DWORD cloneFlag=MN_SEL, bool clear_orig=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
CollapseDeadEdges() | MNMesh | |
CollapseDeadFaces() | MNMesh | |
CollapseDeadStructs() | MNMesh | |
CollapseDeadVerts() | MNMesh | |
CommonSmoothing(bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
ComputeCenter(int ff, Point3 &ctr) | MNMesh | |
ComputeCenters(Point3 *ctr, bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
ComputeInterpolatedRenderNormal(int face_i, const float *bary) | MNMesh | |
ComputeNormal(int ff, Point3 &normal, Point3 *ctr=NULL) | MNMesh | |
ComputeRenderNormal(int face_i, int corner) | MNMesh | |
ComputeSafeCenter(int ff, Point3 &ctr) | MNMesh | |
ComputeSafeCenters(Point3 *ctr, bool targonly=FALSE, bool detarg=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
Connect(MNMeshBorder &borderList, int segs, float tension, bool sm_bridge, bool sm_ends, Tab< int > *vsep=NULL) | MNMesh | |
ConnectEdges(DWORD edgeFlag, int segments=2, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
ConnectLoops(Tab< int > &loop1, Tab< int > &loop2, int segs, float tension, DWORD smGroup, MtlID mat, bool sm_ends) | MNMesh | |
ConnectVertices(DWORD vertexFlag, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
CopyBasics(const MNMesh &from, bool copyEdges=false) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const MNMesh &mesh) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const FlagUser &fu) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const MNMesh *mesh) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const FlagUser *fu) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(DWORD fl, DWORD mask) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const MNMesh &mesh, DWORD mask) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const FlagUser &fu, DWORD mask) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const MNMesh *mesh, DWORD mask) | MNMesh | |
CopyFlags(const FlagUser *fu, DWORD mask) | MNMesh | |
CopyVert(int nv, int ov) | MNMesh | |
CreateFace(int degg, int *vv, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
CubicNURMS(MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL, Tab< Point3 > *offsets=NULL, DWORD subdivFlags=0) | MNMesh | |
Cut(int startv, Point3 &end, Point3 &Z, bool split, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
Cut_Versioned(int startv, Point3 &end, Point3 &Z, bool split, DWORD ver, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
CutEdge(int e1, float prop1, int e2, float prop2, Point3 &Z, bool split, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
CutEdge_Versioned(int e1, float prop1, int e2, float prop2, Point3 &Z, bool split, DWORD ver, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
CutFace(int f1, Point3 &p1, Point3 &p2, Point3 &Z, bool split, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
DefaultFlags() | MNMesh | inline |
DeleteFlaggedFaces(DWORD deathflags, DWORD nvCopyFlags=0x0) | MNMesh | |
DetachElementToObject(MNMesh &nmesh, DWORD fflags=MN_SEL, bool delDetached=true) | MNMesh | |
DetachFaces(DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
DetargetVertsBySharpness(float sharpval) | MNMesh | |
DirtyAccelData() | MNMesh | |
dispFlags | MNMesh | |
DivideFace(int ff, Tab< float > &bary) | MNMesh | |
DivideFace_2015(int ff, Tab< float > &bary) | MNMesh | |
E(int i) const | MNMesh | inline |
e | MNMesh | |
EAlloc(int num, bool keep=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
eDataSupport(int edChannel) const | MNMesh | |
EdgeAngle(int edgeIndex, const Point3 *faceNormals=nullptr) | MNMesh | |
edgeData(int edChannel) const | MNMesh | inline |
edgeFloat(int edChannel) const | MNMesh | inline |
EdgeSelect(const BitArray &esel) | MNMesh | |
EDNum() const | MNMesh | |
EDNumSupported() const | MNMesh | |
ElementFromFace(int ff, BitArray &fset) | MNMesh | |
EliminateBadVerts(DWORD flag=0, bool doNullEdgeCheck=true) | MNMesh | |
EliminateCoincidentVerts(float thresh=MNEPS) | MNMesh | |
EliminateCollinearVerts() | MNMesh | |
EliminateDoubledMappingVerts() | MNMesh | |
EliminateIsoMapVerts() | MNMesh | |
EliminateIsoMapVerts(int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
EliminateNullEdges() | MNMesh | |
ENum() const | MNMesh | inline |
EShrink(int num=-1) | MNMesh | |
ExportFlags() const | MNMesh | |
ExtrapolateMapValue(int face, int edge, Point3 &pt, int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeEdges(DWORD edgeFlag, MNChamferData *pMCD, Tab< Point3 > &tUpDir, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeFaceCluster(const MNFaceClusters &fclust, int cl) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeFaceCluster(const MNFaceClusters &fclust, int cl, const Tab< int > &clusterBorders) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeFaceClusterAlongPath(Tab< Matrix3 > tFrenets, MNFaceClusters &fclust, int clusterID, bool align) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeFaceClusters(const MNFaceClusters &fclust) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeFaces(DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
ExtrudeVertices(DWORD vertexFlag, MNChamferData *pMCD, Tab< Point3 > &tUpDir, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
f | MNMesh | |
F(int i) const | MNMesh | inline |
FaceBBox(int ff, Box3 &bbox) | MNMesh | |
FaceFindAdjacentFaces(int faceIndex, BitArray &adjacentFaces, IntTab &adjacentFaceIndexes, bool includeFaceIndex=false) | MNMesh | |
FaceFindEdgeAdjacentFaces(int faceIndex, BitArray &adjacentFaces, IntTab &adjacentFaceIndexes, bool includeFaceIndex=false) | MNMesh | |
FacePointBary(int ff, Point3 &p, Tab< float > &bary) | MNMesh | |
FaceSelect(const BitArray &fsel) | MNMesh | |
FAlloc(int num, bool keep=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
FenceFaceSel() | MNMesh | |
FenceMaterials() | MNMesh | |
FenceNonPlanarEdges(float thresh=.9999f, bool makevis=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
FenceOneSidedEdges() | MNMesh | |
FenceSmGroups() | MNMesh | |
FillInBorders(MNMeshBorder *b=nullptr, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
FillInFaceEdges() | MNMesh | |
FillInMesh() | MNMesh | |
FillInVertEdgesFaces() | MNMesh | |
FindAvailableSmoothingGroupFromFaceList(IntTab faceList, DWORD excludeSmoothing=0) | MNMesh | |
FindAvailableSmoothingGroups(int faceIndex, DWORD excludeSmoothing=0) | MNMesh | |
FindDiagonals(int ff, int *diag) const | MNMesh | |
FindDiagonals(int deg, int *vv, int *diag) const | MNMesh | |
FindEdgeFromVertToVert(int vrt1, int vrt2) | MNMesh | |
FindEdgeListMapVerts(const Tab< int > &lp, Tab< int > &mv, int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
FindFaceBaryVector(int face, int vertIndex, Point3 &vector, Tab< float > &tBary) | MNMesh | |
FindFacePointMapValue(int ff, const Point3 &pt, int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
FindFacePointTri(int ff, const Point3 &pt, double *bary, int *tri) | MNMesh | |
FindOpenRegions() | MNMesh | |
FindReplacementSmGroup(int ff, DWORD os) | MNMesh | |
FlagMatch(DWORD fmask, DWORD fl) const | MNMesh | |
FlagMatch(DWORD fmask, const MNMesh &mesh) const | MNMesh | |
FlagMatch(DWORD fmask, const FlagUser &fu) const | MNMesh | |
FlagMatch(DWORD fmask, const MNMesh *mesh) const | MNMesh | |
FlagMatch(DWORD fmask, const FlagUser *fu) const | MNMesh | |
FlipElementNormals(DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
FlipFaceNormals(DWORD faceFlag) | MNMesh | |
FlipNormal(int faceIndex) | MNMesh | |
FNum() const | MNMesh | inline |
freeAllEData() | MNMesh | |
freeAllVData() | MNMesh | |
FreeChannels(ChannelMask channels, BOOL zeroOthers=1) | MNMesh | |
freeEData(int edChannel) | MNMesh | |
freeEdgeKnots() | MNMesh | inline |
freeEdges() | MNMesh | |
freeFaces() | MNMesh | |
freeMap(int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
freeMaps() | MNMesh | |
freeRVerts() | MNMesh | |
freeVData(int vdChannel) | MNMesh | |
freeVEdge() | MNMesh | |
freeVertexWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
freeVerts() | MNMesh | |
freeVFace() | MNMesh | |
freeVSelectionWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
FShrink(int num=-1) | MNMesh | |
GenerateDeferredRenderItems(MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer &renderItems, const MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateMeshRenderItemsContext &generateRenderItemsContext) | MNMesh | |
GenerateRenderItems(MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer &renderItems, const MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateMeshRenderItemsContext &generateRenderItemsContext) | MNMesh | |
GetAllSmGroups(bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
GetBorder(MNMeshBorder &brd, int selLevelType=MNM_SL_OBJECT, DWORD targetFlag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
GetBorderFromSelectedVerts(MNMeshBorder &bdr) | MNMesh | |
getBoundingBox(Matrix3 *tm=NULL, bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
GetChannelDataContainer() | MNMesh | inline |
GetChannelDataContainer() const | MNMesh | inline |
GetDispFlag(DWORD vflags) | MNMesh | inline |
GetED(int vdChannel) const | MNMesh | |
getEdgeKnots() | MNMesh | inline |
GetEdgeNormal(int edgeIndex) | MNMesh | |
GetEdgeNormal(int vrt1, int vrt2) | MNMesh | inline |
getEdgesByFlag(BitArray &eset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) | MNMesh | |
getEdgeSel(BitArray &esel) | MNMesh | inline |
GetExtrudeDirection(MNChamferData *mcd, MNFaceClusters *fclust=NULL, Point3 *clustNormals=NULL) | MNMesh | |
GetExtrudeDirection(MNChamferData *mcd, DWORD faceFlag) | MNMesh | |
GetFaceNormal(int fc, bool nrmlz=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
getFacesByFlag(BitArray &fset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) | MNMesh | |
getFaceSel(BitArray &fsel) | MNMesh | inline |
GetFlag(DWORD fl) const | MNMesh | |
GetInterface(Interface_ID id) | MNMesh | virtual |
GetInterfaceAt(int i) const | BaseInterfaceServer | virtual |
GetNewMtlID(bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
GetNewSmGroup(bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
GetOldSmGroup(bool targonly=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
GetSpaceAccelHandle() | MNMesh | |
GetSpecifiedNormals() | MNMesh | |
GetSpecifiedNormalsForDisplay() | MNMesh | |
GetTypedInterface() | InterfaceServer | inline |
GetVD(int vdChannel) const | MNMesh | |
GetVEdge() const | MNMesh | inline |
GetVertexNormal(int vrt) | MNMesh | |
getVertexSel(BitArray &vsel) | MNMesh | inline |
GetVertexSpace(int vrt, Matrix3 &tm) | MNMesh | |
getVertexWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
getVerticesByFlag(BitArray &vset, DWORD flags, DWORD fmask=0x0) | MNMesh | |
GetVFac() const | MNMesh | inline |
getVSelectionWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
gfxCleanup | MNMesh | friend |
HardwareMNMesh | MNMesh | friend |
IMNMeshLegacySnap | MNMesh | friend |
ImportFlags(DWORD fl) | MNMesh | |
IndentFace(int ff, int ei, int nv, int *ne=NULL, bool nevis=TRUE, bool nesel=FALSE, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
Init() | MNMesh | |
InitMap(int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
InsertSpur(int face, int vertIndex, Tab< int > *ptMapVertArray=NULL) | MNMesh | |
interfaces | BaseInterfaceServer | protected |
IntersectRay(Ray &ray, float &at, Point3 &norm) | MNMesh | |
IntersectRay(Ray &ray, float &at, Point3 &norm, int &fi, Tab< float > &bary) | MNMesh | |
IntersectRay(Ray &ray, float &at, Point3 &norm, int &fi) | MNMesh | |
InvalidateGeomCache() | MNMesh | |
InvalidateHardwareMesh(DWORD keepFlags=0) | MNMesh | |
InvalidateTopoCache(bool in_clearCacheFlags=true) | MNMesh | |
IsAccelDataDirty() | MNMesh | |
IsClosed() | MNMesh | inline |
IsEdgeMapSeam(int mapChannel, int edge) | MNMesh | |
LiftFaceClusterFromEdge(int liftEdge, float liftAngle, int segments, MNFaceClusters &fclust, int clusterID) | MNMesh | |
Load(ILoad *iload) | MNMesh | |
Load(ILoad *iload, ChannelMask channels) | MNMesh | |
M(int mapChannel) const | MNMesh | |
MakeBoolean(MNMesh &m1, MNMesh &m2, int type, MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL) | MNMesh | |
MakeConvex() | MNMesh | |
MakeConvexPolyMesh(int maxdeg=0) | MNMesh | |
MakeFaceConvex(int ff) | MNMesh | |
MakeFacePlanar(int ff, float planarThresh, bool track=false) | MNMesh | |
MakeFlaggedPlanar(int selLev, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, Point3 *delta=NULL) | MNMesh | |
MakePlanar(float planarThresh, bool track=false) | MNMesh | |
MakePolyMesh(int maxdeg=0, BOOL elimCollin=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
MakePolyMeshRanged(int startFace, int endFace) | MNMesh | |
MaxGraphics::BackfaceWireframe::IMNMeshBackfaceWireframeUtility | MNMesh | friend |
MaxGraphics::IMNMeshInternal | MNMesh | friend |
MaxGraphics::MNSubMeshBuilder | MNMesh | friend |
MaxSDK::Graphics::EditablePolyMeshNormalChannel | MNMesh | friend |
MaxSDK::MNGeomChannelData | MNMesh | friend |
MaxSDK::MNTopoChannelData | MNMesh | friend |
mCutVersion | MNMesh | static |
MF(int mapChannel, int i) const | MNMesh | |
MNDebugPrint(bool triprint=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
MNDebugPrintVertexNeighborhood(int vv, bool triprint=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
MNMesh() | MNMesh | |
MNMesh(const Mesh &from) | MNMesh | |
MNMesh(const MNMesh &from) | MNMesh | |
MNMeshFGBGObject | MNMesh | friend |
MNMeshUtilites8Impl | MNMesh | friend |
MNMeshUtilities10Impl | MNMesh | friend |
MNMeshUtilities18Impl | MNMesh | friend |
MNNormalSpec | MNMesh | friend |
MNum() const | MNMesh | |
MNVDebugPrint(int vv) | MNMesh | |
MoveVertsToPlane(Point3 &norm, float offset, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, Point3 *delta=NULL) | MNMesh | |
MultiDivideEdge(int edge, int segments) | MNMesh | |
MV(int mapChannel, int i) const | MNMesh | |
NeedGWCacheRebuilt(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, int numMat) | MNMesh | |
NewAndCopyChannels(ChannelMask channels) | MNMesh | |
NewEdge(int v1, int v2, int leftFace, int fpos) | MNMesh | |
NewFace(int initFace, int degg=0, int *vv=NULL, bool *vis=NULL, bool *sel=NULL) | MNMesh | |
NewQuad(int a, int b, int c, int d, DWORD smG=0, MtlID mt=0) | MNMesh | |
NewQuad(int *vv, DWORD smG=0, MtlID mt=0) | MNMesh | |
NewTri(int a, int b, int c, DWORD smG=0, MtlID mt=0) | MNMesh | |
NewTri(int *vv, DWORD smG=0, MtlID mt=0) | MNMesh | |
NewVert(const Point3 &p) | MNMesh | |
NewVert(const Point3 &p, int vid) | MNMesh | |
NewVert(int vid) | MNMesh | |
NewVert(int v1, int v2, float prop) | MNMesh | |
NumDeadEdges() | MNMesh | |
NumDeadFaces() | MNMesh | |
NumDeadVerts() | MNMesh | |
nume | MNMesh | |
numf | MNMesh | |
NumInterfaces() const | BaseInterfaceServer | virtual |
numv | MNMesh | |
operator delete(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator+=(const MNMesh &from) | MNMesh | |
operator=(const MNMesh &from) | MNMesh | |
OptimizeSmoothingGroups(BitArray optimizeFaces) | MNMesh | |
OrderVert(int vid) | MNMesh | |
OrderVerts() | MNMesh | |
OrFlags(const MNMesh &mesh) | MNMesh | |
OrFlags(const FlagUser &fu) | MNMesh | |
OrFlags(const MNMesh *mesh) | MNMesh | |
OrFlags(const FlagUser *fu) | MNMesh | |
OutToTri(Mesh &tmesh) | MNMesh | |
P(int i) const | MNMesh | inline |
PaintFaceFlag(int ff, DWORD fl, DWORD fenceflags=0x0) | MNMesh | |
PaintNewSmGroup(int ff, DWORD os, DWORD ns) | MNMesh | |
PrepForBoolean() | MNMesh | |
PrepForPipeline() | MNMesh | |
PropegateComponentFlags(int slTo, DWORD flTo, int slFrom, DWORD flFrom, bool ampersand=FALSE, bool set=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
QuadChamfer(float amount, int segments, float tension, MN_QCHAM_TYPE resultType, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
QuadChamfer(float amount, int segments, float tension, DWORD optionFlags, MN_QCHAM_TYPE resultType, DWORD flag=MN_SEL, int version=QCHAM_VERSION_OLYMPUS) | MNMesh | |
ReadFlags(ILoad *iload, ULONG *nb) | MNMesh | |
ReduceDisplayCaches() | MNMesh | |
RegisterEdge(int v1, int v2, int leftFace, int fpos) | MNMesh | |
Relax(float relaxval, bool targonly=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
ReleaseChannelLocks(ChannelMask channels) const | MNMesh | inline |
RemoveEdge(int edge) | MNMesh | |
RemoveSpur(int spur) | MNMesh | |
RemoveVertex(int vertex) | MNMesh | |
RemoveVertices(const int *vertices, int count) | MNMesh | |
render(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, RECT *rp, int compFlags, int numMat=1, InterfaceServer *is=NULL) | MNMesh | |
render3DDiagonals(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD compFlags) | MNMesh | |
render3DEdges(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD compFlags) | MNMesh | |
render3DFace(GraphicsWindow *gw, int ff) | MNMesh | |
renderDiagonal(GraphicsWindow *gw, int ff, bool useSegments=false, bool *lastColorSubSel=NULL) | MNMesh | |
renderDiagonals(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD compFlags) | MNMesh | |
renderEdge(GraphicsWindow *gw, int ee, bool useSegments=false, bool *lastColorSubSel=NULL) | MNMesh | |
renderEdges(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD compFlags) | MNMesh | |
renderFace(GraphicsWindow *gw, int ff) | MNMesh | |
Resmooth(bool smooth=TRUE, bool targonly=FALSE, DWORD targmask=~0x0) | MNMesh | |
RestrictPolySize(int maxdeg) | MNMesh | |
RetriangulateFace(int ff, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
RetriangulateFaces(geo::span< const int > faceList, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
SabinDoo(float interp, int iSelLevel, MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL, Tab< Point3 > *offsets=NULL) | MNMesh | |
SabinDooVert(int vid, float interp, int iSelLevel, Point3 *ctr, Tab< Point3 > *offsets=NULL) | MNMesh | |
Save(ISave *isave) | MNMesh | |
Save(ISave *isave, ChannelMask channels) | MNMesh | |
select(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, int abortOnHit=FALSE, int numMat=1) | MNMesh | |
SelectEdgeLoop(BitArray &edgeSel) | MNMesh | |
SelectEdgeRing(BitArray &edgeSel) | MNMesh | |
selLevel | MNMesh | |
SeparateFace(int ff, int a, int b, int &nf, int &ne, bool neVis=FALSE, bool neSel=FALSE, bool track=false, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
SeparateMapVerticesInFaceCluster(MNFaceClusters &fclust, int clusterID) | MNMesh | |
SeparateSmGroups(int v1, int v2) | MNMesh | |
SetDiagonal(int ff, int d1, int d2) | MNMesh | |
SetDispFlag(DWORD vflags) | MNMesh | inline |
SetDisplayVertexColors(int chan) | MNMesh | |
SetDisplayVertexColors(UVVert *mv, MNMapFace *mf) | MNMesh | |
setEDataSupport(int edChannel, BOOL support=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
SetEdgeSel(int ee, BOOL sel=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
SetEdgeVis(int ee, BOOL vis=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
SetFaceColor(UVVert clr, int mapChannel, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
SetFlag(DWORD fl, bool val=true) | MNMesh | |
SetFromTri(const Mesh &from) | MNMesh | inline |
SetMapNum(int mpnum) | MNMesh | |
SetMapSeamFlags() | MNMesh | |
SetMapSeamFlags(int mapChannel) | MNMesh | |
setNumEData(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
setNumEdges(int nenum) | MNMesh | |
setNumFaces(int nfnum) | MNMesh | |
setNumVData(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
setNumVerts(int nvnum) | MNMesh | |
SetStaticMesh(bool staticMesh) | MNMesh | |
setVDataSupport(int vdChannel, BOOL support=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
SetVertColor(UVVert clr, int mapChannel, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
ShallowCopy(MNMesh *amesh, ChannelMask channels) | MNMesh | |
SimpleNewEdge(int v1, int v2) | MNMesh | |
Slice(Point3 &N, float off, float thresh, bool split, bool remove, bool flaggedFacesOnly=false, DWORD faceFlags=MN_SEL, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
SmoothByCreases(DWORD creaseFlag) | MNMesh | |
SpecifyNormals() | MNMesh | |
SplitEdge(int ee, float prop=.5f) | MNMesh | |
SplitEdge(int ee, float prop, Tab< int > *newTVerts) | MNMesh | |
SplitEdge(int ff, int edgeIndex, float prop, bool right, int *nf=NULL, int *ne=NULL, bool neVis=FALSE, bool neSel=FALSE, bool allconvex=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
SplitFacesUsingBothSidesOfEdge(DWORD edgeFlag=0x0, MNMeshTriangulationType triangulationType=TRIANGULATION_ENHANCED_2024) | MNMesh | |
SplitFlaggedEdges(DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
SplitFlaggedVertices(DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
SplitTri6(int ff, double *bary=NULL, int *nv=NULL) | MNMesh | |
SplitTriEdge(int ee, float prop=.5f, float thresh=MNEPS, bool neVis=TRUE, bool neSel=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
SplitTriFace(int ff, double *bary=NULL, float thresh=MNEPS, bool neVis=TRUE, bool neSel=FALSE) | MNMesh | |
SubObjectHitTest(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, DWORD flags, SubObjHitList &hitList, int numMat=1) | MNMesh | |
SupportEdgeKnots() | MNMesh | inline |
SupportVertexWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
SupportVSelectionWeights() | MNMesh | inline |
TargetEdgesBySelection(int iSelLevel) | MNMesh | |
TargetFacesBySelection(int iSelLevel) | MNMesh | |
TargetVertsBySelection(int iSelLevel) | MNMesh | |
TessellateByCenters(MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL) | MNMesh | |
TessellateByEdges(float bulge, MeshOpProgress *mop=NULL) | MNMesh | |
Transform(const Matrix3 &xfm) | MNMesh | |
Triangulate() | MNMesh | |
TriangulateFace(int ff) | MNMesh | |
TriNum() | MNMesh | |
UpdateBackfacing(GraphicsWindow *gw, bool force) | MNMesh | |
UpdateDisplayVertexColors() | MNMesh | |
updateRVerts(GraphicsWindow *gw) | MNMesh | |
v | MNMesh | |
V(int i) const | MNMesh | inline |
VAlloc(int num, bool keep=TRUE) | MNMesh | |
VClear(int vv) | MNMesh | |
vDataSupport(int vdChannel) const | MNMesh | |
VDeleteEdge(int vv, int ee) | MNMesh | |
VDeleteFace(int vv, int ff) | MNMesh | |
VDNum() const | MNMesh | |
VDNumSupported() const | MNMesh | |
vedg | MNMesh | |
VEdgeAlloc() | MNMesh | |
VEdgeIndex(int vv, int ee) | MNMesh | |
vertexData(int vdChannel) const | MNMesh | inline |
VertexFindAdjacentFaces(int vertexIndex, BitArray &adjacentFaces, IntTab &adjacentFaceIndexes) | MNMesh | |
vertexFloat(int vdChannel) const | MNMesh | inline |
VertexSelect(const BitArray &vsel) | MNMesh | |
VertexTempSel(DWORD fmask=MN_DEAD|MN_SEL, DWORD fset=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
vfac | MNMesh | |
VFaceAlloc() | MNMesh | |
VFaceIndex(int vv, int ff, int ee=-1) | MNMesh | |
VInit(int vv) | MNMesh | |
VNum() const | MNMesh | inline |
VReplaceEdge(int vv, int oe, int ne) | MNMesh | |
VReplaceFace(int vv, int of, int nf) | MNMesh | |
VShrink(int num=-1) | MNMesh | |
WeldBorderEdges(int e1, int e2) | MNMesh | |
WeldBorderVerts(int v1, int v2, Point3 *destination) | MNMesh | |
WeldBorderVerts(float thresh, DWORD flag=MN_SEL) | MNMesh | |
WeldBorderVerts(float thresh, DWORD flag1, DWORD flag2) | MNMesh | |
WeldEdge(int ee) | MNMesh | |
WeldOpposingEdges(DWORD edgeFlag) | MNMesh | |
WeldVerts(int a, int b) | MNMesh | |
WriteFlags(ISave *isave, ULONG *nb) const | MNMesh | |
~BaseInterfaceServer() | BaseInterfaceServer | virtual |
~InterfaceServer() | InterfaceServer | virtual |
~MNMesh() | MNMesh |