Inline numeric calculation in multiple cells

You can perform numeric calculations and percentage-based calculations in the Component Editor and Attribute Spread Sheet in multiple cells at once.

To perform a calculation

  1. Select the cells to operate on.
  2. In the active cell, enter the operation prefixes and values.
  3. Press Enter.

All selected cells get a new value specified by the operation.


To add a value to selected cells

  1. Select the cells to operate on.
  2. Enter +=4.0 into the active cell.

The selected cells increase by 4.0.

To subtract a percentage from selected cells

  1. Select the cells to operate on.
  2. Enter -=50% into the active cell.

The selected cells decrease by half their current value.


Some values are subject to limitations and may not change to the desired value because they are bounded by other factors.

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