Hypergraph View menu

Previous View

Shows the previous view.

Next View

Shows the next view.

Frame All

Zooms in to view the entire Hypergraph within the frame of the panel.

Frame Selection

Zooms in to view only the selected nodes.

Frame Hierarchy

Zooms in to view only the hierarchies of the selected nodes

Frame Branch

Zooms in to view only the branches of the selected nodes.

Set Background Image

(Only available when the Hypergraph is set to Freeform display.) Lets you import and adjust the position of an image that displays behind the nodes within your Hypergraph panel when displaying in either the dependency graph mode (input/output connections) or for scene hierarchy mode when set to Freeform display.

Background images can be displayed in both scene hierarchy and input and output connections display modes. You can only use image formats accepted by Maya.

Background images are saved when using Bookmarks.

Adjust Image Options

These options appear when you select View > Set Background Image.


Lets you specify the background image to load. Click the Load button to select an image from either your local drive or network.

Horizontal position

Adjusts the horizontal position of the currently loaded image by using the slider or typing a number into the text field.

Vertical position

Adjusts the vertical position of the currently loaded image by using the slider or typing a number into the text field.


Adjusts the scale of the currently loaded image uniformly by using the slider or typing a number into the text field.

Fit to width

Scales the background image to fit exactly within the entire width of the current Hypergraph panel while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the image.

Fit to height

Scales the background image to fit exactly within the vertical region of the current Hypergraph panel while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the image.


Resizing the Hypergraph panel may require readjustment of the Horizontal, Vertical, and Scale settings in order to match your node layout.

Show Background Image

Toggles the display of the currently loaded background image.

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