When you select Metadata > Visualize Metadata in an object marking menu, you enable metadata visualization for all objects. You can only view one stream and one member at a time.
You can also visualize metadata using scripts. See Visualize metadata using scripting.
To visualize metadata in your scene
Metadata displays based on the options you have selected in the Metadata Visualization Options.
To set metadata visualization options
All metadata streams that belong to your scene display in the Stream to visualize drop-down list.
To disable metadata visualization
For example, in this case, the data structure has two members: color and status.
When you set the values for faces 2:4 on the status member of the face channel, faces 2:4 on the color member of the face channel are automatically assigned default values. The default values are displayed when you visualize the color member of stream1.
Because the automatically assigned default values and the deliberately set metadata values are added to different members, they are never displayed at the same time.
dataStructure -format "raw" -asString "name=struct1:float[3]=color:bool=status"; addMetadata -streamName "stream1" -channelName "face" -structure "struct1" smcPlaneShape; select -r smcPlane.f[2:4]; editMetadata -streamName "stream1" -memberName "status" - value 1
When visualizing arrays with a length of four or more values, or visualizing multi-byte characters, Maya may not be able to display a large number of unique values simultaneously.