These steps explain how to start with a high resolution version of a mesh and automatically generate the lower resolution versions to display when different levels of detail are required. If you already have the various versions of a mesh you want to display at different times and just want to set up the LOD group, refer to Create LOD groups.
This generates new meshes based on the options set in the
Generate LOD Meshes Options. To set or change the
Generate LOD Meshes Options options first, select
Edit > LOD (Level of Detail) > Generate LOD Meshes >
These options let you set the following as you generate new meshes:
The new LOD meshes are generated and stacked exactly on top of one another so that switching from one LOD level to the next occurs seamlessly. You can zoom in and out in the scene to see how the various levels look.
By default only one mesh displays in the viewport at a time, but you can temporarily set levels to always display. See Test or preview LODs for more information.
Expand each LOD_n sub-group to see the associated mesh (or meshes).