
Maya devkit requirements

The system requirements for Maya release versions can be found on the System requirements for Autodesk Maya page.

The compiler and tool versions required to build plug-ins and applications with the Maya devkit are:

Operating system Requirements
Windows Visual Studio 2022 (17.8.3 or higher)
macOS Xcode version 14.3 or higher
Linux RHEL or Rocky Linux 8.6 or higher, DTS-11 with gcc 11.2.1

Maya C++ plug-ins are built using CMake. CMake is used to generate makefiles under Linux, Visual Studio projects on Windows, and Xcode projects on macOS. These projects can then be built using CMake, be imported into an IDE, or built using another tool.

The minimum version of CMake required is 3.27.3

Maya supports Python 3. The exact version of Python and other third-party libraries used by Maya can be found in the Open Source Components list

Maya supports .NET 8 on Windows only.

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