Show frames

Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


polyOptions [-activeObjects] [-allEdges] [-backCullVertex boolean] [-backCulling] [-colorMaterialChannel string] [-colorShadedDisplay boolean] [-displayAlphaAsGreyScale boolean] [-displayBlueChannel boolean] [-displayBorder boolean] [-displayCenter boolean] [-displayColorAsGreyScale boolean] [-displayCreaseEdge boolean] [-displayCreaseVertex boolean] [-displayGeometry boolean] [-displayGreenChannel boolean] [-displayInvisibleFaces boolean] [-displayItemNumbers boolean boolean boolean boolean] [-displayMapBorder boolean] [-displayMetadata boolean boolean boolean] [-displayNormal boolean] [-displayRedChannel boolean] [-displaySubdComps boolean] [-displayTangent boolean] [-displayTriangle boolean] [-displayUVTopology boolean] [-displayUVs boolean] [-displayVertex boolean] [-displayWarp boolean] [-facet] [-fullBack] [-global] [-hardBack] [-hardEdge] [-hardEdgeColor] [-materialBlend string] [-newPolymesh] [-point] [-pointFacet] [-relative] [-reuseTriangles boolean] [-sizeBorder float] [-sizeNormal float] [-sizeUV float] [-sizeVertex float] [-smoothDrawType int] [-softEdge] [-vertexNormalMethod int] [-wireBackCulling]

polyOptions is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Changes the global display polygonal attributes.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


activeObjects, allEdges, backCullVertex, backCulling, colorMaterialChannel, colorShadedDisplay, displayAlphaAsGreyScale, displayBlueChannel, displayBorder, displayCenter, displayColorAsGreyScale, displayCreaseEdge, displayCreaseVertex, displayGeometry, displayGreenChannel, displayInvisibleFaces, displayItemNumbers, displayMapBorder, displayMetadata, displayNormal, displayRedChannel, displaySubdComps, displayTangent, displayTriangle, displayUVTopology, displayUVs, displayVertex, displayWarp, facet, fullBack, global, hardBack, hardEdge, hardEdgeColor, materialBlend, newPolymesh, point, pointFacet, relative, reuseTriangles, sizeBorder, sizeNormal, sizeUV, sizeVertex, smoothDrawType, softEdge, vertexNormalMethod, wireBackCulling
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-activeObjects(-ao) createquery
Apply user choices for all active objects.
-allEdges(-ae) createquery
Display all edges in solid line.
-backCullVertex(-bcv) boolean createquery
BackCull vertices.
-backCulling(-bc) createquery
Display with no back culling.
-colorMaterialChannel(-cm) string createquery
If colorShadedDisplay is true, then determines which material channel to display color per vertex in. The options are:
  • "none" : disable material shading
  • "ambient" : ambient material channel
  • "ambientDiffuse" : ambient and diffuse material channel
  • "diffuse" : diffuse material channel
  • "specular" : specular material channel
  • "emission" : emission material channel
-colorShadedDisplay(-cs) boolean createquery
Use color per vertex display in shaded mode.
-displayAlphaAsGreyScale(-dal) boolean createquery
Display alpha as greyscale.
-displayBlueChannel(-dbc) boolean createquery
Display Blue channel.
-displayBorder(-db) boolean createquery
Highlight border edge.
-displayCenter(-dc) boolean createquery
Display facet centers.
-displayColorAsGreyScale(-dcl) boolean createquery
Display color channels as greyscale.
-displayCreaseEdge(-dce) boolean createquery
Highlight creased edges
-displayCreaseVertex(-dcv) boolean createquery
Highlight creased vertices
-displayGeometry(-dg) boolean createquery
Display geometry.
-displayGreenChannel(-dgc) boolean createquery
Display Green channel.
-displayInvisibleFaces(-dif) boolean createquery
Highlight invisible faces
-displayItemNumbers(-din) boolean boolean boolean boolean createquery
Displays item numbers (vertices edges facets uvs)
-displayMapBorder(-dmb) boolean createquery
Highlight map border edge.
-displayMetadata(-dmt) boolean boolean boolean createquery
Displays component metadata (vertices edges facets vertexFaces)
-displayNormal(-dn) boolean createquery
Display normals.
-displayRedChannel(-drc) boolean createquery
Display Red channel.
-displaySubdComps(-dsc) boolean createquery
Display subdivided components when in Smooth Mesh Preview mode.
-displayTangent(-dtn) boolean createquery
Display tangent.
-displayTriangle(-dt) boolean createquery
Display triangulation.
-displayUVTopology(-uvt) boolean createquery
Option on UV display to display UVs topologically.
-displayUVs(-duv) boolean createquery
Display UVs.
-displayVertex(-dv) boolean createquery
Display vertices.
-displayWarp(-dw) boolean createquery
Highlight warped facets.
-facet(-f) createquery
For use with -dn flag. Set the normal display style to facet display.
-fullBack(-fb) createquery
Display with full back culling.
-global(-gl) createquery
Apply user choices for all objects.
-hardBack(-hb) createquery
Backculled hard edges only for backculled faces.
-hardEdge(-he) createquery
Display only hard edges.
-hardEdgeColor(-hec) createquery
Display hard edges as separate color.
-materialBlend(-mb) string createquery
The options are: "overwrite" "add" "subtract" "multiply" "divide" "average" "modulate2x"
-newPolymesh(-np) createquery
Set component display state of new polymesh objects.
-point(-pt) createquery
For use with -dn flag. Set the normal display style to vertex display.
-pointFacet(-pf) createquery
For use with -dn flag. Set the normal display style to vertex and face display.
-relative(-r) createquery
When this flag is used with flags dealing with size, the value (size) is a multiplication factor : i.e for flags : -sizeNormal, -sizeBorder. When this flag is used with flags dealing with a boolean value, the boolean value is toggled : i.e for flags : displayVertex, displayCenter, displayTriangle, displayBorder, backCullVertex, displayWarp, displayItemNumbers.
-reuseTriangles(-rt) boolean createquery
Avoid regenerating triangles, by reusing the old triangles upstream in the construction history. The construction history is searched upstream and downstream for other mesh nodes, and the given boolean value is set on those mesh nodes. Note, that this command does not set the value on the given mesh node. That has to be done using the setAttr command. This option would affect only the interactive 3d viewport. The batch-rendering would use the properly computed triangles. This is useful only for interactive performance such as skinning playback, when the display mode is shaded (or wireframe with triangles displayed) Using this option for wireframe display mode is not recomended.
-sizeBorder(-sb) float createquery
Set the size of the polygonal border edges.
-sizeNormal(-sn) float createquery
Set the size of the polygonal normals.
-sizeUV(-suv) float createquery
Set the size of the polygonal UV.
-sizeVertex(-sv) float createquery
Set the size of the polygonal vertex.
-smoothDrawType(-sdt) int createquery
This setting only works with the newPolymesh flag. Sets a new default attribute value for the smoothDrawType attribute on a polymesh object. Options are: 0: Catmull-Clark 1: Linear 2: OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark Uniform 3: OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark Adaptive
-softEdge(-se) createquery
Display soft edges in dotted lines.
-vertexNormalMethod(-vnm) int createquery
This setting only works with the newPolymesh flag. Sets a new default attribute value for the vertexNormalMethod attribute on a polymesh object. Options are: 0: Unweighted 1: Angle Weighted 2: Area Weighted 3: Angle And Area Weighted
-wireBackCulling(-wbc) createquery
Backculled faces are in wireframe.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

polyCube -n plg -sx 3 -sy 3 -sz 3 -w 5 -h 5 -d 5; delete plg.f[9:17];

// Vertices
polyOptions -displayVertex true;
// Toggle vertices
polyOptions -r -displayVertex true;
// Toggle, whatever the value given to the flag in this command.
// It was previously true, it is set to false : vertices are not drawn.

// Facet centers
polyOptions -displayCenter true;
polyOptions -displayCenter false;

// Triangulation
polyOptions -displayTriangle true;
polyOptions -displayTriangle false;

// Reusing Triangulation
polyOptions -reuseTriangles true;
polyOptions -reuseTriangles false;

// Borders
polyOptions -displayBorder true;
// Border size
polyOptions -sb 3;
// Increase border size
polyOptions -r -sb 2;
polyOptions -displayBorder false -sb 3;
// Map borders
polyOptions -displayMapBorder true;
polyOptions -displayMapBorder false;

// Normals
// Normal type
polyOptions -displayNormal true;
polyOptions -pt;    // on vertices
polyOptions -pf;    // on vertices and facets
polyOptions -f;     // on facets
// normal size
polyOptions -sn 2;
// Increase normal size
polyOptions -r -sn 1.5;
polyOptions -displayNormal false;

// Edges
polyOptions -softEdge;
polyOptions -hardEdge;
polyOptions -hardEdgeColor;
polyOptions -allEdges;

// Geometry
polyOptions -displayGeometry false;
polyOptions -displayGeometry true;

// Backculling
polyOptions -wireBackCulling;
polyOptions -hardBack;
polyOptions -fullBack;
polyOptions -displayVertex true -backCullVertex true;
polyOptions -backCullVertex false;
polyOptions -displayVertex false;
polyOptions -backCulling;

// Color Shaded Display
polyOptions -colorShadedDisplay true;
polyOptions -colorMaterialChannel "DIFFUSE";