Two keyboard shortcuts for the Graph Editor Curve Sculpting tools have changed.
Now, middle-mouse dragging changes the radius and strength of the curve sculpting tool
The Shift + M and Shift + B Graph Editor Curve Sculpting tool hotkeys have been removed from the Curve Sculpting tools as Shift + M conflicted with the global Show/Hide panel hotkey and Shift + B was inconvenient. Both Shift + M and Shift + B were used to modify the strength and radius of the Smooth Tool, while being in the other Curve Sculpting tools.
Now, to change the brush radius, middle-drag horizontally. Middle-drag vertically to change the brush strength. Use Ctrl and middle-drag to start the brush radius/strength at zero. These revised shortcuts applies to all Curve Sculpting tools.
When using Shift to switch between the Smooth Tool and the other Curve Sculpting tools, continue to hold Shift at the same time as middle-dragging to adjust the radius and strength.