Bifrost includes many new and improved features, including new nodes for simulating ocean waves with foam. You can create spectral waves for water surfaces driven by wind over both time and distance, and combine them with dynamic waves for wakes and ripples caused by colliders.
Here are some other selected highlights of Bifrost
- The new
points_to_liquid_surface compound is designed for meshing liquid point caches from Bifrost Fluids simulations, as well as other sources such as MPM simulations in the graph. It supports spatially adaptive simulations to allow correct meshing without gaps in the middle, and can be customized for specific situations.
- Nodes that take component tags can now also take string expressions for component tags. These expressions match the ones used by component tags in Maya, and can be used with any node that takes a component tag as an input. Expressions can have wildcards (face_*), unions (face_head + face_neck), and can be used to convert between different components of tags. Use
interpret_auto_as_component_tag to add the same capability to your custom compounds. Full documentation is available on the
get_component_tag node.
Support for component tags has also been added to many existing compounds, including
extrude_faces, and more.
- Interpolation modes on geo properties are now supported by anything that uses property transfer. This means that if you create a geo property set to
Nearest interpolation mode, it will use the nearest value instead of blending when transferred with
scatter_points, for example.
- The
bake_instance_geometry node now transfers properties.
- The
merge_geometry node has better handling of normals, generating geometry with correct normals if the types of normals don't match.
- Many of the basic math and logic nodes have been updated with extra overloads to support additional types. For example,
clamp now supports integers,
almost_equal supports matrices, constants like
zero supports Booleans and Boolean structs like
Math::Bool3, and many more.
- There is a new VNN API to get selected nodes in a graph, as well as query which graphs are currently open in an editor. This helps to create scripts that work with Bifrost graphs based on what users currently have selected.
See the
Bifrost Release Notes for a complete list of features and bug fixes included in this version.
Remember that you can always download the latest version of Bifrost by visiting the
Autodesk Accounts Portal.