File Extensions

Results output files

Files written to the main project directory:

File extension Result type
.bin Binary temperature results input into mechanical analysis
.case Mesh and simulation results for post-processing
.DDM Element activation history
.in Analysis input settings
.json Results settings
.lsr Laser path Mesh preview result
.out Simulation results log
_recoater.txt Recoater clearance log
.tivus GUI file containing analysis settings, geometry,.prm, and results
_warning.txt Warning log Input file written for post-processing program distort_stl
.warp.stl Warped STL file produced from mechanical analysis
.wrtu Output warped displacement point cloud
.wrtu.epp Nodal plastic strain results
.wrtu.ept Nodal elastic strain results
.wrtu.eqp Nodal equivalent plastic strain results
.wrtu.sd3 Nodal principal stress results
.wrtu.sig Nodal Cauchy stress results
.wrtu.sp3 Nodal principal stress direction results
.wrtu.svm Nodal Von mises stress results
.wrtu.tmp Nodal temperature results

Files written to the results subdirectory:

In the file extensions below, # stands for an index number.

File extension Result type
.bin Binary temperature results file input into mechanical analysis
.case Mesh and simulation results for post-processing
.dis.ens Nodal displacement for post-processing
.ept.ens Equivalent plastic strain for post-processing
.geo Mesh for post-processing
.mlt.ens Melt indicator for post-processing
.sd#.ens Principal stress direction for post-processing
.sig.ens Nodal Cauchy stress for post-processing
.sp#.ens Principal stress for post-processing
.svm.ens Von Mises stress for post-processing
.tmp.ens Nodal temperature for post-processing
.typ.ens Structure type for post-processing