Laser Path Errors

Laser Path errors will currently only occur during DED simulations.

LSR File Format Errors

These errors will occur with the source .lsr file is missing, corrupt, or has a file formatting issue. Ensure the correct file has been imported, that it has not bee moved or deleted, and that it has been encoded using a standard windows text file format. Consult the .lsr file help for additional help with the .lsr file syntax.

Zero Laser Vector Length Error

When a .lsr file has one or more columns where the X, Y, and Z beginning and end locations are identical this error will be issued. Laser vectors must have a non-zero magnitude. Fix the laser line indicated by the error and re-run the simulation.

Non-physical LSR value Errors

All laser lines must have both a positive, non-zero speed and laser radius. Correct the line indicated by the error and re-run the simulation.

Laser lines not in time-ascending order Error

This error occurs when one or more time values in the .lsr file is out of time-ascending order. Regenerate the .lsr file and attempt the simulation again.