
The following publications provide more extensive theoretical insight.

  1. Denlinger ER, Irwin J, Michaleris P. Thermomechanical modeling of additive manufacturing large parts. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2014;136(6):061007.
  2. Denlinger ER, Jagdale V, Srinivasan G, El-Wardany T, Michaleris P. Thermal modeling of Inconel 718 processed with powder bed fusion and experimental validation using in situ measurements. Additive Manufacturing. 2016;11:7–15.
  3. Denlinger ER, Michaleris P. Effect of stress relaxation on distortion in additive manufacturing process modeling. Additive Manufacturing. 2016;12:51–59.
  4. Denlinger ER, Michaleris P. Mitigation of distortion in large additive manufacturing parts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2015;p. 0954405415578580.
  5. Denlinger E, Heigel J, Michaleris P. Residual stress and distortion modeling of electron beam direct manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2014;p. 1–11.
  6. Dunbar AJ, Denlinger ER, Gouge MF, Michaleris P. Experimental validation of finite element modeling for laser powder bed fusion deformation. Additive Manufacturing. 2016;12:108–120.
  7. Goldak J, Chakravarti A, Bibby M. A new finite element model for welding heat sources. Metallurgical transactions B. 1984;15(2):299–305.
  8. Gouge M, Michaleris P, Palmer T. Fixturing Effects in the Thermal Modeling of Laser Cladding. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2017;139(1):011001.
  9. Gouge M, Michaleris P. Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Additive Manufacturing. 2017. Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 9780128118214 (eBook), 9780128118207 (paperback).
  10. Gouge M, Heigel J, Michaleris P, Palmer T. Modeling forced convection in the thermal simulation of laser cladding processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015;p. 1–14.
  11. Heigel J, Michaleris P, Reutzel E. Thermo-mechanical model development and validation of directed energy deposition additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V. Additive Manufacturing. 2015;5:9{19.
  12. Michaleris P. Modeling metal deposition in heat transfer analyses of additive manufacturing processes. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2014;86(0):51–60.
  13. Michaleris P, Zhang L, Bhide S, Marugabandhu P. Evaluation of 2D, 3D and applied plastic strain methods for predicting buckling welding distortion and residual stress. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining. 2006;11(6):707–716.
  14. Michaleris P. Modeling metal deposition in heat transfer analyses of additive manufacturing processes. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2014;86:51–60.
  15. Wang Z, Denlinger E, Michaleris P, Stoica AD, Ma D, Beese AM. Residual stress mapping in Inconel 625 fabricated through additive manufacturing: Method for neutron diffraction measurements to validate thermomechanical model predictions. Materials & Design. 2017;113:169–177.