Tolerance/Dual options

Use the Tolerance/Dual page to change the tolerance/dual options for dimensions:

Tolerance Options

Each dimension can have two tolerance values associated with it. The tolerance values show the range within which a dimension value can vary.

Style — Select the line style of the tolerance from the list.

Character height — Enter the height of tolerance values.

Decimal places — Enter the number of decimal places to display for tolerance values.

Alignment — Select the alignment style for tolerances from the list.

Dual Dimension Options

Dual dimensions are when the dimension values are displayed using a second set of units. The standard units are displayed without brackets and the dual dimension units in brackets.

Dual dimension — Select this option to display dual dimensions.

Units — Select the units for the dual dimensions.

Decimal places — Enter the number of decimal places for the dual dimensions.

Tolerance decimal places — If tolerances are displayed, enter the number of decimal places for the tolerances of the dual dimensions.