Editing a Snapped Bézier curve

To edit a Snapped Bézier curve:

  1. Select the Snapped Bézier curve.

    The key points on the curve are displayed:

  2. Select a key point on the curve

  3. Drag the point to change the shape of the curve.

  4. Click away from the model to deselect the curve.

    The curve forms the new shape and remains on the surface of the model.

You can use a keyboard shortcut to offset points on a Snapped Bézier curve where the points have dependencies on a surface.

To offset points on a Snapped Bézier curve:

  1. Select the points on the curve.
  2. Press Ctrl and or Ctrl and to offset the curve points.

    If the curve points have dependencies to a surface, they are offset along the surface normal on the curve.