Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar, displayed above the ribbon, enables you to quickly use standard functions, such as Save and Undo, without using the ribbon:

Using the Undo command

Use this option to reverse the last command.

You can click Undo multiple times to reverse multiple commands, back to when you last saved the model.

A set of the last performed commands are remembered for each model opened. You can Undo and Redo commands in one model, then go to another model, and Undo and Redo its commands too.

For dialog operations, Undo reverses the action of a dialog. It does not undo individual operations within the dialog.

Note: The Undo command does not undo changes made in the Options dialog.

When creating Bézier, G2, and Spline curves, Undo undoes individual curve points. You can undo curve points back to the first point created, but when the curve is complete, Undo undoes the whole curve.

Warning: To undo all changes since you last saved the model, use the File > Info > Reset model command. If you are working on a new, unsaved model, this command removes the model.

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

You can use the Quick Access Toolbar page of the Customize Ribbon dialog to add and remove buttons from the Quick Access Toolbar.

To display the Quick Access Toolbar page, right-click the ribbon or the Quick Access Toolbar and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

To add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar:

  1. From the drop-down menu, select whether you want to add a Ribbon, Command or Macro button.

    For a ribbon button:

    1. Select a tab, and then a panel, from the left list to display the buttons.
    2. Select the button you want to add to the ribbon.

    For a command or macro button:

    1. Enter a Name and Description.
    2. Type in the Command, or click Open to browse to the macro file.
    3. Select a picture for the button. Choose from existing ribbon button icons, or click Open to browse to a file.
  2. Click Add to add the selected button.

Remove — Select a button in the list on the right and click this button to remove it from the Quick Access toolbar.

Edit/Done — Select a button and click Edit to edit its Name and Description. Click Done when you have finished. This changes the name that is displayed on the Quick Access Toolbar. You can use different names for the same button in different places.

Reset — Click this button to reset the Quick Access Toolbar to default.

Import/Export — Click these buttons to import XML customization files, or to export the customized Quick Access Toolbar as an XML file.

To move the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the ribbon or toolbar and select Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon to place the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon, or deselect it to place it above the ribbon.