Triangle/Mesh options

Use the Triangle/Mesh page of the Options dialog to set the options for importing and exporting STL/DMT files.

Note: If you have selected a Target System on the File Export dialog, the export settings for the Target System are displayed automatically.

DMT options are only applicable when using the built-in local translator.

  1. Click File > Options > Application Options > Data Exchange > Triangle/Mesh.
  2. Use the following options to specify the settings for STL and DMT files:

STL/DMT Import

Name mesh according to filename — Select this option to use the filename as the name for the mesh. If necessary, a numerical suffix is added to ensure that the mesh name is unique. This option is deactivated by default.

Combine meshes from DMT file — Select this option to combine everything in a DMT file into a single mesh. This option is deselected by default.

Split big meshes imported from STL filesThis option is under development.


These options are not applicable when the user switches to Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility.

Triangulation tolerance — This is the tolerance used for exporting triangles.

Solid shading — Uses the improved shading of watertight solids when triangulating for the export of triangles.

Skip export of inner faces of objects — Select this option to skip the inner faces of the objects to reduce the file size when they are exported to .obj.

Group same material together for OBJ export — Select this option to group objects together by material when they are exported to .obj.

Limit triangle edge length — Select this option to limit the length of a triangle to the given value.

Maximum triangle length — If Limit triangle length is selected, you can enter a value in the text box.


Auto-fix mesh on STL export — This option is deselected by default. Select this option to automatically fix the new triangles so that the mesh is closed. Selecting this option displays the following:

Output file format — Select the output file format from the drop-down list. Files can be exported in binary or ASCII format.

Move model into positive quadrant — Select this option to offset all triangle coordinates so that they are all positive.

Export with colour information — Select this option to preserve the materials applied to surfaces when the file is exported, and the colours that are stored with the individual triangles are exported.

Generate random colours for surfaces — Select this option to assigns materials randomly to exported surfaces.