Arc dialog

Use this dialog to edit arcs. If you are editing a fillet arc, the results of the edits affect the two lines.

Change the arc selection whilst the dialog is displayed by clicking a different arc. Edit the newly selected arc in the normal way.

Note: The Arc dialog is also used to edit multiple arcs, with a number of slight differences.

Name — Displays the current name of the selected arc. Type in a new name if required.

Radius/diameter — Shows the radius/diameter of the selected arc and allows you to edit the value.

Span Angle — Shows the span of the arc sector in degrees and allows you to edit the value.

Centre mark type — Select an option in the list to specify how an arc centre is displayed: hidden , cross , or dot .

Full — Converts a partial arc into a full arc.

Reverse — Reverses the arc so that the start coordinates become the end coordinates and the end coordinates the start.

Workspace — Select the workspace (world or active) in which to edit the arc from the drop-down list.

Centre — Shows the centre coordinates of the arc. To edit the values, enter the X Y Z coordinates or click the Position button to open the Position dialog where you can use position entry tools.

Through — Specifies a point through which the arc must pass. The arc is edited depending on the through point chosen; this is shown below.

  1. Select an arc to edit.

  2. Click the Position button and select a point for the arc to pass through:

The edited arc passes through the point entered and the tangents of the end points remain the same as the original arc .

If you select a through point that falls outside of the end point tangencies of the original arc , the arc is reversed:

The tangents at the end points remain the same for the original arc and the edited arc.