Wrap Wizard - Target Selection (wireframe)

Use this page to select the target surfaces and/or solids to be wrapped on to.

Targets Selected — Select the target surface for the wrap. The icon changes from to .

Set target type to curve for extrusion — This option is used for wrapping curves more easily in shoe design where you have a curve representing a cross section of the shoe sole instead of an existing sole surface. Any type of single, planar curve can be used.

Select this option on the dialog then select the cross-section curve as the target. An extruded surface is created automatically from the cross-section curve which is then used as the target for wrapping.

Test Wrap — Click this button to create a test wrap for the selected wireframe and target object to see the viability of the results before proceeding through the Wrap Wizard.

Next — Click this button to move to the Wrapper Selection page of the Wrap Wizard.