Intersecting using a solid

You can intersect the following with a solid:

You can use Boolean intersection on:

To intersect with the active solid:

  1. Click Solid tab > Feature panel > Intersect to display the Boolean Intersection dialog:

    If there is a visible active solid, this is automatically used as the Primary selection. If you pre-select an inactive solid while the active solid is hidden, the inactive solid is used as the Primary selection.

  2. Select a secondary object.

    If necessary, click Swap Objects to reverse the Primary and Secondary selection objects.

  3. Click OK to confirm your selection and close the dialog.

    An Intersect feature icon representing the operation appears in the solid feature tree.

    If the intersected solid has features, they are added as a sub-tree next to the Intersect feature icon .

    Below is an example of two intersecting solids:

    In this example, the following solid is created: