The P&ID ISA symbols have been updated to match the latest ISA standard.
Here are the detailed changes that have been implemented:
- All existing ISA instrumentation symbols have been modified to conform to the ANSI/ISA-5.1-2022 standard. The dimensions of these symbols have been adjusted accordingly.
- Missing instrumentation symbols specified in the ANSI/ISA-5.1-2022 have been created and included. These newly added symbol blocks are prefixed with “ISA” and can be found in
- The existing graphic symbols for process displays have been updated to align with the ISA-5.5-1985 standard.
- The images of the existing symbols in the substitution and Tool palettes have been updated to reflect the changes made to the ISA symbology.
- The symbol settings in the Project Setup have been updated to accommodate the changes made to the existing symbols.
- The existing linetypes in
pid_custom.lin have been modified to align with the ANSI/ISA-5.1-2022 standard.
- Additional linetypes defined in the ANSI/ISA-5.1-2022 have been created and stored in
pid_custom.lin and
pidcustom.shx files. To load the updated linetypes, use the LINETYPE command.
Additionally, a migration check has been implemented to validate legacy ISA projects when they are opened. When you open an ISA project that’s created in an earlier version, the "ISA update available" link is displayed on the P&ID Class Definitions node and on each of its child pages. Click the link to open the Plant 3D – Update P&ID ISA Content dialog box.
If you choose to update the ISA content, a task dialog is displayed to monitor the progress of migrating P&ID symbols. This allows you to track the status of the symbol migration process.
Once the migration is complete, run the SYNCHSTYLES command to update the existing symbols in the current drawing to the latest version.
You can still work with legacy ISA symbols even if you choose not to update the ISA content. Select the P&ID ISA (Legacy) option from the Tool palette to continue using the legacy ISA symbols in your project.
Note: If you copy a drawing using legacy ISA symbols into a new project, run command SYNCHSTYLES to update the existing symbols to the latest version in the drawing.