LEED sDA+ASE Studies (Annual Simulation)

Create a lighting analysis with sDA and ASE results.

You can run a lighting analysis for LEED v4 EQc7 opt1. This credit requires an annual simulation at an hourly time step. To run this analysis follow the steps in the Lighting Analysis Workflow. The environment and illuminance settings will be preset according to LEED specifications.

Threshold Information

Two thresholds must be met in order for your design to qualify for LEED points, sDA and ASE.

The sDA threshold is a percentage of floor area that receives over 300 lux for a percentage of 3650 annual hours. LEED points are earned if the floor area meeting this threshold is 55%, 75%, or 90% of the total building area.

The ASE threshold is a percentage of the floor area that receives over 1000 lux for more than 250 of 3650 annual hours. Only area in rooms with ASE less than 20% can qualify to be counted for LEED points.

When the ASE values are too high a room may be receiving too many hours of direct sunlight inhibiting overall occupant comfort. Consider design changes and run another analysis to review effects.

Conditions of both metrics must be met for areas to be considered as contributing to building totals considered for LEED points.

Since the sDA and ASE simulation is more intensive than a single point in time, the analysis will cost more cloud credits and take more time than a single point in time analysis. Select Check Price before submitting the model for analysis to see the required number of cloud credits for the analysis. Instead of using the LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 analysis, you can instead use the Daylight Autonomy (sDA Preview) analysis type. This analysis will use a sampling of the 3650 hours used for the full LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 analysis. The Daylight Autonomy (sDA Preview) will run faster and cost less cloud credits. Results will be in line with those from the full LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 analysis.

Note: Both the LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 (sDA+ASE) and Daylight Autonomy (sDA Preview) analysis types require rooms to be placed in the model prior to analysis.