Video: Modify Wall Joins

Modify the automatic wall join condition for individual intersections.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Select a wall join for modification.
  2. Change join configuration.
  3. Change the display of a wall join.
  4. Dis-Allow a wall join.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2022. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


The wall joins tool allows you control over the appearance and geometry of walls when they intersect or meet at the ends. In most cases the default join condition created is what you want but when the default solution needs to be altered the wall joins tool gives you the ability to control individual or unique conditions manually.

When walls meet at a 90-degree corner, there are only a few possibilities. Click Modify > Wall Joins to edit the join condition. When you position your cursor near an intersection of walls or a wall end a square target is displayed, click to select the intersection you want to edit.

Once the intersection is selected, the options bar displays the controls you can use to alter the wall join. Use the radio buttons to select the configuration, butt, miter, and square off. Butt, ends wall layers flat where the two walls meet, miter ends wall layers at an angle meeting each other. Square off is used with walls that do not meet at a 90-degree angle. We will look at this in more detail in the next example.

Use the previous and next buttons to set the priority of the walls in the join. With a butt condition selected, the previous and next buttons will change the priority from the vertical wall to the horizontal wall. With more walls in an intersection there could be more possibilities.

Display allows you to control if the wall intersection is cleaned or not in the view. When set to "don't clean" walls will show a heavy line at the wall intersection.

If you set "Disallow join" radio button, the intersection will not attempt to join the walls at all. Re-enable joining of wall ends by selecting the wall and click the "Allow Join" tool near the wall end.

When walls do not meet at a 90-degree angle, the square off option under configuration affects the join. Start the wall joins tool and select an intersection as before. Select "square off" control. Instead of the angle intersection one wall or the other will continue to the end and be squared off. The "next" control will change which wall in the join gets squared off.

When working with wall joins use these different controls to help you make intersections appear as you need them to in your projects.