Add a Wall Reveal

Use the Reveal tool to add a decorative horizontal or vertical cutout to a wall in an elevation or 3D view.

  1. Open a 3D or non-parallel elevation view.
  2. Click Architecture tabBuild panelWall drop-down (Wall: Reveal).
    Note: It is not possible to add a wall reveal to a slanted wall.
  3. In the Type Selector, select the desired type of wall reveal.
  4. Click Modify | Place Wall RevealPlacement panel, and select the orientation of the wall reveal: Horizontal or Vertical.
  5. If you are adding a wall reveal to a slanted wall, on the Properties palette, for Orientation, select Perpendicular to Face or Parallel to Ground.
  6. Place the cursor over the wall to highlight the wall reveal location. Click to place the reveal.
  7. Add the reveal to adjacent walls if needed.

    Revit preselects the reveal location on each adjacent wall.

  8. To finish placing wall reveals, click in the view away from the wall.