Workflow: Collaborating with Revit Models

Revit provides several different ways to collaborate with team members who are also using the software.

Linking Revit Models

Bring multiple Revit models together to create a complete building model.

Link One Model to Another

Coordinate systems between Revit models can be reconciled to align their geometry.

About Shared Coordinates

Use coordinates from another Revit model for positioning.

Acquire Coordinates

Send coordinates of one Revit model to other Revit models for correct positioning.

Publish Coordinates

Control the way linked model geometry appears in views.

Visibility of Linked Models

Use a linked model to place elements in your model and track any changes to element geometry or positioning.

Workflow: Copy/Monitor for Linked Models

Copy linked elements into your model.


When using Copy/Monitor with linked models, follow these best practices

Best Practices: Copy/Monitor


Understand when elements from a linked model change and how it affects your model.

Review Warnings for Monitored Elements

Use interference checking in models to understand where conflicts occur.

Interference Checking


Local Worksharing

Use worksharing on a project in an office so that multiple team members can collaborate on one model.

About Worksharing

Set up a model for worksharing.

Workflow: Setting Up a Workshared Project

Consider how team members will work on the model. Then decide how to use worksets to manage each part of the model and to coordinate the work of team members.

About Planning Worksets

Learn how to work on a team with a workshared model.

Workflow: Working on a Team Project


Create a local copy of the workshared model so you can do work.

Create a Local Copy of a Central Model

After you have made changes to the local model, synchronize your them to a central model so team members can see your changes.

Synchronize with the Central Model

Understand how to work with a worksharing-enabled model when you are not connected to the network.

Work Offsite and Offline


Revit Server

When offices are in 2 different geographic locations, consider switching to server-based worksharing using Revit Server.

File-based Worksharing Versus Server-based Worksharing

Learn the basics of Revit Server.

Video: Revit Server - What it Does and How it Works

Central models on Revit Server are managed in a different way than file-based worksharing.

About Revit Server

Use Revit Server Administrator to understand the activity in your central models and to optimize their performance.

Video: Revit Server Administrator

Revit Cloud Worksharing

Follow these steps to set up a Revit model on a cloud project and invite others to collaborate.

Workflow: Revit Cloud Worksharing

Check the status and manage your models.

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