Use the filter to show each type, and the Search function to find links.
You can see detailed information of each data type on a collapsible side panel on the right side.
To access the full address of a link, you can view it in tooltips and directly copy it from the Saved Path column.
Use the operation tools listed at top for the desired actions (e.g. reload with or without graphic overrides, unload, remove, etc.). They are dynamically generated based on the type and status for the linked file.
You can also use right click or the More button at the end of each row to access the same operations.
To set the visibility of each column, use the Show Columns list via the gear icon button on the top right of the table.
Use the add button to bring referencing data into Revit.
To switch back and show legacy Manage Links dialog, locate the Revit.ini file. Change the value of [Misc] EnableOldManageLinksDialog from 0 to 1.
[Misc] EnableOldManageLinksDialog=0