Apply the Label to a Tag in a Project

Using a parameter in a label for a tag family, allows you to add custom text to the tag in the model.

  1. In a project, click Insert tabLoad from Library panel (Load Family).
  2. Navigate to the family you want to load, and click Open. If prompted to replace a family of the same type, click Yes.
  3. If you created a window, door, or room tag, place one of those components to see the new tag you created.
  4. If the element does not already have a tag associated with it:
    1. Place the element.
    2. Tag the element: click Annotate tabTag panelTag drop-down (By Category).
  5. Select the element that you placed, for example, a window.
  6. On the Properties palette, locate the parameter that you chose when creating the label in either the instance or type properties. For example, if you defined the label to include the Manufacturer parameter, click Edit Type to open the Type Properties dialog.
  7. Enter a value for the parameter and click OK (if entering a type property).

    The label value displays in the tag.