Options Dialog: Rendering Tab

Provide information on how to access images to be used when rendering the 3D model.

On the Rendering tab of the Options dialog, you can specify the following:

Additional render appearance paths

Specify the locations of files used for render appearances. For example, you can specify paths for the following:

Note: To configure paths for RPC content, use ArchVision™ Dashboard only. If you add RPC paths to the Additional Render Appearance Paths list, rendered images display watermarks on the RPC content.

Suppose you specify image files for render appearances. When Revit needs to access the image file, first it looks in the location specified for the file, using the absolute path. If it cannot find the file in that location, Revit then searches the paths that you specify in this list, in the order in which the paths are listed.

If you want to... Then...
add a path click . Enter a path, or click , navigate to the desired location, and click Open.
remove a path select the path in the list, and click .
change the order of the listed paths select a path in the list, and click the arrows until the paths are listed in the desired order. Revit searches these paths in the order listed.

ArchVision content manager location

If your organization has licensed additional RPC content from ArchVision, use these options to configure ArchVision Dashboard. (This RPC content is licensed separately from the RPC content that is provided with Revit.)

Complete the fields as follows.

Option Description
Network Select this option to connect to ArchVision Dashboard.
Address Specify
Port Specify 14931.
Local Select this option to use locally stored RPC content.
Executable Location Click Browse to navigate to the location of local content.
Get More RPC Click to go to the ArchVision web site, where you can purchase additional RPC content to use in Revit projects.