Export Fill Patterns

Export fill patterns in your model to PAT files.

Select a fill pattern or multiple fill patterns to export to a PAT file.

Note: You cannot export the Solid fill drafting pattern.

To export fill patterns

  1. Click Manage tabSettings PanelAdditional Settings drop-down Fill Patterns.
  2. In the Fill Patterns dialog, for Pattern Type, select Drafting or Model, and then select the fill pattern to export. Select multiple patterns to export more than one pattern.

    Use Search to quickly locate fill patterns that match a text string. For example, brick matches Brick Masonry, Brickwork, and Masonry - Brick.

    Note: An export can only contain drafting patterns or model patterns but not both. Export drafting patterns and model patterns in separate exports.
  3. Click (Export fill pattern).
  4. Select path for the exported file.
    Note: PAT files do not support non-ASCII characters but are allowed in Revit pattern names. File exports from a pattern with non-ASCII characters will be named 'Pattern_xxx'', for example 'Pattern_001''.
  5. Click Export.