Options Dialog: File Locations Tab

Define paths for files and directories.

Option Description
Project template files

Specify the template files to list on the New Project dialog when creating a new model.

Default path for user files Specify the default path where you want Revit to save the current file.

This setting overrides the default path for saving files. When you specify a folder, Revit opens that folder by default when you save or open a file.

Default path for family template files Specify the path for the templates and libraries.

Default templates are installed in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Autodesk\RVT 2025\Family Templates.

Root path for point clouds Specify the root path for point cloud files. The Revit installation automatically sets this path; however, you may change it. The Saved Path information for point cloud files in the Manage Links dialog is relative to this root path location. If you change this root path, you may need to reload any point cloud files that are already linked in Revit projects.
Note: To improve performance and reduce network traffic, the recommended workflow for worksharing is for each user to copy the point cloud files locally. As long as the relative path to the local copies of the point cloud files is the same for each user, the link will remain valid when you synchronize with central. In some cases, it may be easiest to store point cloud files in the root directory.
Systems analysis workflows Specify the workflow files to list on the Systems Analysis dialog for use by OpenStudio.

Default files are provided for Annual Building Energy Simulation and HVAC Systems Loads and Sizing.

Places Add secondary libraries that may be specific to your company. To do this, click Places.