Lock Labeled Dimensions

In the family editor, you can create labeled dimensions and flex the dimensions to create parametric relationships in the family, then lock the dimensions to enforce these constraints in the finished design.

When a labeled dimension is locked, all of the associated parameters also lock. This means that as the dimensions are flexed, the associated parameters are constrained and the dimension value is preserved. Locking a family parameter helps to ensure that you don't change a constraint by mistake in the drawing area of the family editor. Locking a family parameter does not affect behavior of the family when it is loaded into a model.

If the labeled dimension is not locked, you can move a reference plane or reference line that is already constrained by the length parameter, and flex the family. If the dimension is locked, then you cannot flex the family by moving a reference plane or reference line. To flex the family with locked dimensions, you must change the parameter values in the Family Types dialog.