Preview Family Geometry in the Family Editor

Preview the effects of visibility settings and parameters of family geometry without leaving the Family Editor.

Family geometries relate to individual pieces of geometry and annotation. In some cases, they relate to different family types. Enable Preview Visibility to display the active family type and its related settings.

  1. Review geometries that display in certain view types, specific levels of detail, and visibility parameter settings:
    • Visibility settings that select the views and detail levels in which family geometry displays.
    • Visibility type parameters of the family.
  2. On the View Control Bar, click (Preview Visibility: On). In plan views, you can click (Preview Visibility: Not Cut) to see the family represented as a projection.
    Note: To exit the Preview Visibility mode, on the View Control Bar, click (Preview Visibility: Off).

When you preview the family geometry, the drawing area of the Family Editor is highlighted with a border labeled Preview Visibility. The overlapping 2D and 3D geometries are hidden. In the following beam example, Preview Visibility displays a more accurate representation of the coarse level of detail.

Default view Preview Visibility View
Detail Level: Coarse

Detail Level: Coarse

The following window example shows how Preview Visibility works with more complex families with multiple types. When previewed, only the most relevant geometry to all types will display.

Default view Preview Visibility View
Detail Level: Fine

Detail Level: Fine