STL Export Settings

Use the STL Export dialog to specify export options.


Choose the format of the encoding used when exporting the STL file.
  • Binary - Uses binary encoding for the STL file. Binary files are generally smaller and better for 3d printing than ASCII files.
  • ASCII - Uses ASCII encoding for the STL files. ASCII files are generally larger than binary files, but easier to manually inspect and debug.


Select the export resolution of elements in the model. The setting controls the tessellation (3D faces) of the surfaces in the exported file.
Note: Depending on model size Fine and Medium resolutions may result in excessive facets and high memory use. If you experience problems with the exported file, try setting to a lower resolution value and export the model again. Resolution setting from last export is remembered. Be sure to verify your export resolution before exporting the STL file.
  • Coarse - Less tessellation (3D faces) of model surfaces. Low memory use.
  • Medium - Default setting for model export.
  • Fine - High tessellation (3D faces) of model surfaces. High memory use.


Set Units and colors for exported STL file.
  • Units - Specify the units for export. The current length units setting of the model is used as the default export units.
  • Color - Select to export the shaded color value assigned to elements in the model.