Learn how to place schematic bending details on your reinforcement drawings.
You can add multiple rebar to the same schematic bending detail, using the Add / Remove Host option, during placement or add more hosts (leaders) to existing schematic bending details.
Alternatively, select one rebar set and in the Modify | Structural Rebar contextual ribbon Symbol panel, click
(Bending Detail). If the last used type was not schematic, you can click
(Schematic) in Modify | Place Bending Detail
Type panel and click to place the bending detail.
Bending Detail Position:
- Left
- Right
For an existing schematic bending details, you can add or remove rebar by selecting the schematic bending detail and clicking
(Add / Remove Host) in the Modify | Place Bending Detail tab
Host panel.
The bending detail geometry is scaled uniformly for stirrups and rebar shapes with at least one angle different than 90 degrees
and scaled non-uniformly (different x and y scale) for rebar shapes with 90-degree angles between the segments and style set to standard
The orientation of the bending detail is the same as the rebar shape family, with a plus or minus 90-degree rotation to fit better inside the box defined by the specified width and height.