Create a Legend

List the building components and annotations in your project.

Video:Create a Legend

  1. Click View tabCreate panelLegends drop-down (Legend).
  2. In the New Legend View dialog, enter a name for the legend view and select the view scale.
  3. Click OK.

    The legend view opens and is added to the Project Browser list.

  4. Add the desired element symbols to the view using any of the following methods:
    • Drag model and annotation family types from the Project Browser into the legend view. They display as view-specific symbols in the view.
    • Alternate method for adding model family symbols:
      1. Click Annotate tabDetail panelComponent drop-down (Legend Component).
      2. On the Options Bar, for Family, select a model family symbol type.
      3. Specify the view direction for the symbol.

        Some symbols have more options than others. For example, wall types can be displayed in plan or section representations. Wall-hosted elements like doors can be represented in plan, and front and back elevations. If you are placing a hosted symbol, such as a door or window, the symbol displays with the host in plan representation. You can specify a value for the Host Length.

      4. Place the symbol in the view.
    • Alternate method for adding annotation symbols:
      1. Click Annotate tabSymbol panel (Symbol).
      2. From the Type Selector, select an annotation type and place the symbol in the view.
  5. Click Annotate tabText panel (Text).
    Note: If the text size you want to use is not listed, click Modify | Place Text tabProperties panelType Properties. In the Type Properties dialog click Duplicate to create a new text type.
  6. From the Type Selector, select an annotation type and place the symbol in the view
  7. Place the necessary text in the legend.
  8. Note: You can modify legend views by turning off the visibility of subcategories in the view. For example, you can place several door legend components and then turn off all the door subcategories (except for Frame/Mullion) to produce a Door Frame Legend.