Tag by Category

To apply tags to elements based on their categories, use the Tag by Category tool.

Before attempting this procedure, load the necessary tags for elements that need a tag. See Loading Tag Styles.

Example: If you need to tag furniture, load a furniture tag.

  1. Click Annotate tabTag panel (Tag by Category).
  2. On the Properties Palette or Modify|Tag tab of the ribbon:
    • To set the orientation of the tag, select Vertical, Horizontal or model.

      After you place the tag, you can change its orientation by selecting the tag and pressing Spacebar.

    • Set the angle of the tag.
    • If you want the tag to have a leader line, select Leader.
    • Specify whether the leader should have an Attached End or a Free End.
    • If desired, on the Modify|Tag tab of the ribbon, enter a value for the length of the leader.
  3. Highlight the element to tag, and click to place the tag.

    After the tag is placed, it is in edit mode and can be repositioned. You can move the leader, text, and tag head arrow.