Selecting Elements

Many of the controls and tools that you use to modify an element in the drawing area are only available when an element is selected.

To help you identify elements and mark them for selection, Revit includes an automatic highlighting feature. When you move the cursor onto or near an element in the drawing area, the outline of the element is highlighted. (It displays in a heavier line weight.) A description of the element displays on the status bar at the bottom of the Revit window. After a brief delay, the element description also displays within a tooltip just below the cursor.

When an element is highlighted, click to select it. When an element is selected in one view, the selection applies to all other views as well.

Tip: If you have difficulty highlighting a particular element because other elements are in close proximity, press Tab to cycle through the elements until the desired element is highlighted. The status bar identifies the currently highlighted element. Press Shift+Tab to cycle through elements in reverse order.

When you select an element:

Wall after selection

Note: You can right-click a highlighted element to select it and display its context menu.