Project Browser

The Project Browser shows a logical hierarchy for all views, schedules, sheets, groups, and other parts of the current project. As you expand and collapse each branch, lower-level items display.

To open the Project Browser, click View tabWindows panelUser Interface drop-downProject Browser, or right-click anywhere in the application window and click BrowsersProject Browser.

Searching and Navigating

Large complex projects can contain hundreds of entries in the Project Browser. To quickly navigate and locate a desired item, use the tabs under the Project Browser:

  1. Persistent Tabs: The project browser always displays eight tabs dedicated to frequently used types:
    • All
    • Views
    • Legends
    • Schedules
    • Sheets
    • Families
    • Groups
    • Links
  2. Dynamic Tabs: Tabs for other types appear dynamically based on their previous orders in the Project Browser:
The search function operates across all tabs. Type the item name in the Search box at the top of the Project Browser dialog. The matched keywords highlight in the filtered list on all levels of hierarchy in the Project Browser. The relevant results are instantly updated as you type your query. Use the arrow keys to move up and down in the search results. Press enter to open the selected view.

Alternatively, you can do the following:

Search from Canvas

The Project Browser can be searched using elements in the model. Select an element in the model, Right-click and select Find in Project Browser. The selected element will be highlighted in the Project Browser. If nothing is selected, the Find in Project Browser tool will find the active view (or sheet). Elements supporting Find in Project Browser are:
  • Views
  • Sheets
  • Legends
  • Families/Nested Families
  • Groups
  • Revit Links
  • Assembly Views/Sheets
  • View References
  • Schedules placed on sheets
  • Panel schedules placed on sheets
The following elements are not supported:
  • Keynote Legends
  • Schedule View (not placed on sheet)
  • Panel Schedule View (not placed on sheet)
  • Reports
  • Elements that do not exist in Project Browser (some annotation)
  • Views and sheets filtered by the current Browser Organization
Note: The Project Browser must be displayed for the Find in Project Browser function to work from the canvas.

Customizing the Project Browser

Video: Customizing the Project Browser

To change the location of the Project Browser, drag its title bar. To change its size, drag an edge. Changes to the size and location of the Project Browser are saved and restored when the application is restarted.

You can customize the organization of views, sheets, and schedules/quantities in the Project Browser to support the way you work. See Organizing the Project Browser.

Views, Schedules, Sheets

If you want to... then...
open a view double-click the name of the view, or right-click the name and click Open from the context menu.

The active view name displays in bold.

Note: A fast double-click opens the view. A slow double-click renames the view.

The Open command supports multiple selection of views, graphical column schedules, legends and schedules.

For view types that support placement on more than one sheet, each sheet will be opened that the view appears on.

When using Open on more than one view, a confirmation dialog displays. It includes an option to “Always open multiple views” to not be prompted again.

open the sheet on which a view is placed right-click the view name, and click Open Sheet.

If the Open Sheet option is disabled in the context menu, the view is either not placed on a sheet, or is a schedule or legend view, which can be placed on more than one sheet.

When using Open Sheet on more than one view, a confirmation dialog displays. It includes an option to “Always open multiple sheets” to not be prompted again.

add a view to a sheet drag the view name onto the sheet name or onto the sheet in the drawing area.

You can also right-click the sheet name, and click Add View on the context menu. In the Views dialog, select the view to add, and click Add View to Sheet.

After you perform one of these actions, the sheet is active in the drawing area, and the added view displays as a viewport. As you move the cursor, the viewport moves with it. When the viewport is in the desired location on the sheet, click to place it.

remove a view from a sheet under the sheet name, right-click the view name, and click Remove From Sheet. The command supports multiple selection. If you want to remove two or more views, a confirmation dialog displays. You can choose to always remove multiple views.
create a new sheet right-click the Sheets branch, and click New Sheet.
copy a view right-click the view name, and click Duplicate ViewDuplicate.
copy a view with view-specific elements right-click the view name, and click Duplicate ViewDuplicate with Detailing.

View-specific elements (such as detail components and dimensions) are copied into the view.

This tool is available for plan views, callout views, drafting views, and section views. You cannot copy callouts from plan views.

rename views, schedules right-click the view name and click Rename, or select it and press F2, or perform a slow double-click.
Note: A fast double-click opens the view. A slow double-click renames the view.
rename a sheet right-click the sheet name and click Rename, or select it and press F2, or perform a slow double-click.
Note: A fast double-click opens the sheet. A slow double-click renames the sheet.
close a view right-click the view name, and click Close.
delete a view right-click the view name, and click Delete.
change properties click the view name, and change properties in the Properties palette.
expand or collapse branches in the Project Browser click + to expand, or click – to collapse. Use the arrow keys to navigate between branches.

To expand or collapse top-level nodes in the browser, right-click a node and select Expand Selected or Collapse Selected.

find referring views right-click the view name, and click Find Referring Views.
display icons to indicate which views are on sheets right-click in the Project Browser to toggle the icons on or off.

The icons indicate whether a view is on a sheet, not on a sheet, or partially placed on a sheet for schedules. They appear for all items listed in views (including graphical column schedules), legends, schedules/quantities, and panel schedules.

A setting in Revit.ini, Show View Placement On Sheet Status Icons, controls the display of the icons. See Project Browser Settings in Revit.ini.

place multiple views and schedules on a sheet select and drag them from the Project Browser, or click View tab Sheet composition panel View to open the Select View dialog, and select the views and schedules you want to place on the sheet.

You can use the Search functionality in the Select View Dialog to find a certain view and schedule. The dialog allows multiple selection. The selected views and schedules are positioned tiled on the cursor to make subsequent selection and arrangement on the sheet easier.


If you want to... then...
place a group instance in a view under Groups, navigate to the desired group, then drag the group into the drawing area.
modify group types right-click the group type, and select one of the following tools:
  • Delete: Deletes the group type.
  • Rename: Renames the group type.
  • Select All Instances: Selects all instances of a group type in the project.
  • Properties: Changes type properties.
duplicate a group type under Groups, navigate to the desired group, right-click the group name, and click Duplicate.

The new group type displays in the Project Browser.

reload a group under Groups, navigate to the desired group, right-click the group name, and click Reload.
rename a group right-click the group and click Rename, or select it and press F2, or perform a slow double-click.

Revit Links

If you want to... then...
create a new link to a Revit model right-click the Revit Links branch, and click New Link.
manage links to Revit models right-click the Revit Links branch, click Manage Links, and click the Revit tab.
copy a linked Revit model to another position in the project file under Revit Links, navigate to the linked model to copy, right-click the link name, and click Create Instance.

Click in the drawing area to place the new instance of the linked model.

unload or reload a linked Revit model under Revit Links, navigate to the linked model, right-click the link name, and click the desired tool to unload or reload the model.
unload a linked Revit model in a worksharing environment, when in a local file under Revit Links, navigate to the linked model, right-click the link name, and select one of the following:
  • UnloadFor all users: The Revit link is unloaded for all users in the model.
  • UnloadFor me: The Revit link is unloaded for the current user only. This command works like a permanent override and remains set for the current user for that RVT link until cleared.

    To clear the override, right-click the link name in the Project Browser, and click UnloadClear my override.


If you want to... then...
render an image display a 3D view and click View tabPresentation panel (Render). Then select Render in the Rendering dialog.
place rendered images onto sheets drag the rendered image name onto the sheet in the drawing area.