Video: Place Rebar - By Two Points

Place rebar in your model using two point to define the extents of the rebar.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Place a set of vertical rebar in an area.
  2. Place a set of horizontal rebar in an area.
  3. Place rebar aligned to references.
  4. Place rectangular rebar shapes in corners.


Add rebar to your models using a two pick placement method. Using two picks you can accurately place rebar into concrete elements with less time spent adjusting the bars after they are placed. As an example, place rebar into this parking garage structure.

In this example we will place rebar in the slab around vertical structural elements. On the structure tab, select rebar. Then select the rebar shape. In this example a straight bar is selected, and the orientation is set to vertical. Click two points to place rebar in the defined area. Use the space bar while placing rebar to rotate the orientation to horizontal.

When near a reference that is not horizontal or vertical, press the up arrow on your keyboard to align to the reference and place the rebar.

Use the same method to place singe bars aligned to a reference and specify the distance directly.

Use the two pick placement method to place other rebar shapes. In this example a rectangular shape is placed into the corners of this enclosure. Snap to cover references in the concrete elements or be flexible and place the shapes where required by the design.

The two pick placement method lets you add rebar to you models quickly and accurately.