Snap to Reference Objects

You can snap to reference objects to adjust the slab-shaped elements such as Floor, Roof, Toposolid, etc.

After entering into the Slab Shape modify mode, toggle the checkbox to enable and disable the snap ability on the inner points and lines:

Modify | Toposolid tab Shape Editing panel Snap to Editor Points and Lines

To snap on XY of the reference object, in the Modify tab Modifier Elevation panel, choose Along Surface or Absolute :

Choose Snap XYZ to snap on the XY and Z of the reference object. Value displayed near the cursor reports the elevation of the reference objects based on the Elevation Base setting.

Use Offset from Snaps to indicate the Z value offset. The point will be placed at the elevation = Refferal Z + Offset Z.

Remote objects should be turned off if you use Slab Shape editor for large models.

Note: If Snap XYZ is selected and the mouse hovers over on a place that is not a reference object, the elevation follows the "Along surface" behavior.

See also Add a Point for Shape Editing