Connector Properties

The discipline assigned to a connector determines its properties.

The following tables show the different connector parameters, by property group, for each discipline and a brief description of their functionality.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Edge loop centered Connector placement method (read only).
Size on screen Size of the connector display inside the Family Editor.
Electrical - Loads
True Load Phase 3 Calculated based on (Apparent Load Phase 3) x (Power Factor).
True Load Phase 2 Calculated based on (Apparent Load Phase 2) x (Power Factor).
True Load Phase 1 Calculated based on (Apparent Load Phase 1) x (Power Factor).
Power Factor Percentage of power attributed to this connector. Active only when Power is specified as System Type.
Apparent Load Phase 3 Calculated based on (Voltage) x (Current - Phase 3). Active only when Balanced Load is False and System Type is Power, and Number of Poles >2.
Apparent Load Phase 2 Calculated based on (Voltage) x (Current - Phase 2). Active only when Balanced Load is False and System Type is Power, and Number of Poles >1.
Apparent Load Phase 1 Calculated based on (Voltage) x (Current - Phase 1). Active only when Balanced Load is False and System Type is Power.
Apparent Load Calculated based on (Voltage) x (Current). Active only when Balanced Load is True and System Type is Power.
Voltage The voltage specified on the connector. Active only when the System Type is Power.
System Type Possible values are: Data, Power - Balanced, Power - Unbalanced, Telephone, Security, Fire Alarm, Nurse Call, Controls, Communication.
Load Classification Possible values are: HVAC, Lighting, Power, Other.
Power Factor State Possible values are: Lagging, Leading.
Number of Poles Possible values are: 1, 2, or 3.
Identity Data
Index A unique identifier for a connector in a family (read only).
Primary Connector Possible values are: True or False (read only). A single connector of each discipline is allowed to be primary in each family. The family’s electrical data that displays in a schedule is derived from the primary connector.
Connector Description A description of the connector.
Utility Deprecated parameter used to support Autodesk Exchange file (ADSK). No longer used.
Mechanical (HVAC)
Edge loop centered Connector placement method (read only).
Angle Used for adjustable angle families (such as elbows and adjustable tees) to push the angle value into the family from connected components.
Size on screen Size of the connector display inside the Family Editor.
Flow Factor Percentage of the system flow attributed to this connector. Active only when the Flow Configuration is System.
Loss Coefficient Active only when the Loss Method is Coefficient.
Flow Configuration Possible values are: Calculated, Preset, System.
Flow Direction Possible values are: In, Out, Bidirectional.
System Type Possible values are: Supply, Return, Exhaust, Other, Undefined.
Loss Method Possible values are: Coefficient from ASHRAE Table, Specific Coefficient, Specific Loss, Not Defined.
System Classification Possible values are: Exhaust Air, Supply Air, Return Air, Global.
Mechanical - Airflow
Pressure Drop Calculated pressure drop based on the calculation method defined in Mechanical Settings.
Flow The amount of air flowing at this connector.
Shape Possible values are: Rectangular or Round.
Height The height of the connector when the Shape is defined to be rectangular.
Width The width of the connector when the Shape is defined to be rectangular.
Radius The radius of the connector when the Shape is defined to be round.
Identity Data
Index A unique identifier for a connector in a family (read only).
Primary Connector Possible values are: True or False (read only). A single connector of each discipline is allowed to be primary in each family. The family’s HVAC data that displays in a schedule is derived from the primary connector.
Link Connector Index The index of the linked connector, -1 if none. (read only).
Connector Description A description of the connector.

Deprecated parameter used to support Autodesk Exchange file (ADSK). No longer used.

Mechanical (Piping)
Edge loop centered Connector placement method (read only).
Angle Used for adjustable angle families (such as elbows and adjustable tees) to push the angle value into the family from connected components.
Size on screen Size of the connector display inside the Family Editor.
Fixture Units Active only when the System Type is Sanitary, Domestic Hot Water, or Domestic Cold Water and the Flow Configuration is Fixture Units.
K Coefficient Used for calculating pressure loss. Active only when the Loss Method is K Coefficient.
Flow Factor Percentage of the system flow attributed to this connector. Active only when the Flow Configuration is System.
Flow Volumetric flow rate of fluid through connector.
Pressure Drop Calculated pressure drop based on the calculation method defined in Mechanical Settings.
Flow Configuration Specifies the flow configuration for the pipe connector. Options are Calculated, Preset, or System.
Flow Direction Specifies the direction of flow for a pipe connector. Options are In, Out, or Bidirectional. Bidirectional is active only when the Flow Configuration is Calculated.
Loss Method Specifies the loss method for the pipe connector. Options are Not Defined, K Coefficient, or Specific Loss.
Allow Slope Adjustments Enables slope adjustments for the pipe connector. Refer to the Pipe Connector Tolerance setting in Specify Pipe Settings.
System Classification Possible values are: Hydronic Supply, Hydronic Return, Sanitary, Vent, Domestic Hot Water, Domestic Cold Water, Other, Fire Protection, Wet, Fire Protection Dry, Fire Protection Pre-Action, Fire Protection Other, Fitting, Global.
Radius The nominal radius of the connector.
Diameter The nominal diameter of the connector.
Inside Diameter The inside diameter of the connector.
Identity Data
Index A unique identifier for a connector in a family (read only).
Primary Connector Possible values are: True or False (read only). A single connector of each discipline is allowed to be primary in each family. The family’s piping data that displays in a schedule is derived from the primary connector.
Link Connector Index The index of the linked connector, -1 if none. (read only).
Connector Description Defines the name of the connector used when exporting to the civil engineering application.

Deprecated parameter used to support Autodesk Exchange file (ADSK). No longer used..