Video: Layer Wrapping at Wall Ends

Define how each layer of a compound wall will finish at the end.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Setting view properties so wrapping can be seen.
  2. Setting wall layers to wrap form the exterior.
  3. Change the wrapping behavior for specific layers.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2025. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


The Wrapping at Ends parameter in a wall type is the primary control used to determine the way material layers wrap at the ends of walls. There are other settings in the wall structure that can affect the wrapping behavior.

To see how changes affect wrapping, set the view style to Shaded, then change the scale. On the View tab, turn on Thin Lines. Currently, the wall has a number of layers, but none are set to wrap.

To wrap the layers at the ends, select the wall and click Edit Type on the Properties palette. The wrapping at the ends can be set to wrap material from the exterior to the interior, or from the interior to the exterior. In this example, we want the brick to wrap around the ends of the wall, so we choose Exterior and click Apply.

You can see that the brick, air space, and the insulation were all wrapped. In this wall, only the brick should wrap. Edit the structure of the wall. In the Edit Assembly dialog, clear the check mark under Wraps heading for the air and insulation layers of the wall.

The layer function and position can also affect the wrapping behavior. For example, if the function of the gyp. board is changed to match the function of the brick, the brick will wrap to the gyp. board. If the furring and the gypsum board are moved into the core, the brick will wrap the entire wall end.

When a wall with wrapping ends is selected, use the wrapping control icon near the end of the wall to disable or enable wall wrapping at an individual end.

Modify wall wrapping to illustrate different conditions in your model.